Frequent Terms for Habitat Description

This list may help you to find matching habitat description words for the targeted search.

Abandoned Alkaline Alluvial Alpine
Arid Backwater Bank Barkhan
Bed Bel Belt Bench
Birch Birch-Larch Bog Border
Bottom Boulder Brook Camp
Canyon Cedarpine Cedarpine-Larch Channel
(Achnatherum splendens)
Clayey Clearing Cliffs
Coast Coniferous Creek Crevices
Crop Damp Debris Depression
Desert Desert-Steppe Ditch Dry
Dune Dwarf Exposed Fallow
Field Fissure Fixed Floodplain
Foot Foothill Forb Forest
Forest-Steppe Fringe Garden Glade
Goltzy Gorge Grass Grassland
Gravelly Grove Half-Fixed Haloxylon
Hill Hillocky Hollow Inhabited
Irrigation Irrigation Ditch Kobresia Kolki
Lake Land Larch Light
Limit Low Margin Marshy
Meadow Middle Mixed Moist
Montane Montane-Steppe Moraines Moss-Lichen
Mossy Mountain Nomad Old
Open Outcrop Pebble Pine
Place Plain Plantation Plant
Plot Ploughed Ravine Region
Reservoir River Road Rock
Rocky Rubble Rubbly Ruderal
Saline Sand Sandy Sandy-Pebble
Sayr Screes Scrubs Sedge
Semideserts Shade Shady Shallow
Shoal Shrubberies Shrub Site
Slope Soddy Soil Solonchak
Solonetz Sondoks Southern Spring
Stand Steppe Steppified Stone
Stony Stream Subalpine Submontane
Subsaline Swamp Tailing Talus
Terrace Thicket Toyrim Trail
Tugai Tundra Upper Uremas
Valley Vegetable Wasteland Water
Waterside Weed Well Wet
Willow Woodland Zone

list compiled by: A. Zemmrich & U. Najmi