Frequent Terms for Habitat Description
This list may help you to find matching habitat description words for the targeted search.
Abandoned | Alkaline | Alluvial | Alpine |
Arid | Backwater | Bank | Barkhan |
Bed | Bel | Belt | Bench |
Birch | Birch-Larch | Bog | Border |
Bottom | Boulder | Brook | Camp |
Canyon | Cedarpine | Cedarpine-Larch | Channel |
Chee-grass (Achnatherum splendens) |
Clayey | Clearing | Cliffs |
Coast | Coniferous | Creek | Crevices |
Crop | Damp | Debris | Depression |
Desert | Desert-Steppe | Ditch | Dry |
Dune | Dwarf | Exposed | Fallow |
Field | Fissure | Fixed | Floodplain |
Foot | Foothill | Forb | Forest |
Forest-Steppe | Fringe | Garden | Glade |
Goltzy | Gorge | Grass | Grassland |
Gravelly | Grove | Half-Fixed | Haloxylon |
Hill | Hillocky | Hollow | Inhabited |
Irrigation | Irrigation Ditch | Kobresia | Kolki |
Lake | Land | Larch | Light |
Limit | Low | Margin | Marshy |
Meadow | Middle | Mixed | Moist |
Montane | Montane-Steppe | Moraines | Moss-Lichen |
Mossy | Mountain | Nomad | Old |
Open | Outcrop | Pebble | Pine |
Place | Plain | Plantation | Plant |
Plot | Ploughed | Ravine | Region |
Reservoir | River | Road | Rock |
Rocky | Rubble | Rubbly | Ruderal |
Saline | Sand | Sandy | Sandy-Pebble |
Sayr | Screes | Scrubs | Sedge |
Semideserts | Shade | Shady | Shallow |
Shoal | Shrubberies | Shrub | Site |
Slope | Soddy | Soil | Solonchak |
Solonetz | Sondoks | Southern | Spring |
Stand | Steppe | Steppified | Stone |
Stony | Stream | Subalpine | Submontane |
Subsaline | Swamp | Tailing | Talus |
Terrace | Thicket | Toyrim | Trail |
Tugai | Tundra | Upper | Uremas |
Valley | Vegetable | Wasteland | Water |
Waterside | Weed | Well | Wet |
Willow | Woodland | Zone |
list compiled by: A. Zemmrich & U. Najmi