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Keep it stable to link to

All things change, as time goes by. Outdated bookmarks and dead links are common problems. Is there a solution?

As known from other projects, a folder structure mapped into a URL is a crucial point. That’s why we tried to prevent to map folder structure into URLs. A typical URL in our project is e.g.:
First we have a ‚header‘:, this won’t change unless we decided to change the domains name, which is unlikely, but still possible.
Then, we have a ‚parameter that indicates what to search for‘: ?flora_search=Record, records in this case, and ‚further parameter to refine the search‘: &record_id=4709. In this case, it’s the object ID of the record.
In our project, as in many others, too, it’s within the responsibility of the administrators to keep the URL stable to link to. All the user can do is to trust in the administrators knowledge and experience.

If you are not sure whether you are able to guarantuee stable URLs to the users of your homepage, you may find it helpful to use the DOI (digital object identifier) service. How does that work? You compile a list of URLs and send them to your DOI registry service. This service will generate DOIs according to your list. From now on, your users will bookmark the DOI instead of the URL.
As time goes by, and you want to restructure your website, you just generate a list of the new URLs, and send them to your DOI registry service. The users, having bookmarked the DOI instead of the URL, often won’t even notice that your restructured the content on your webserver.


  • A URL is called stable if the expected content is still available.
  • A homepage that went off-line has no chance to keep its URLs stable.
  • After a restructuring/reorganization of contents it’s very likely that URLs are no longer available.
  • It is good practice to redirect requests for out-dated URLs after reorganization of content.
  • Check the opportunity to use DOI registry service.

text by: U. Najmi

Vegetation Zones of Mongolia

The layer ‚vegetation zones‘ is based on ‚Vegetation map of Mongolian People’s Republic‘ by E. M. Lavrenko, Moskva, 1979.

Differentiating features of Caragana in Mongolia

C. pygmaea C. leucophloea C. stenophylla
shrub/ height to 0.50 cm up to 1.5 m to 0.80 m
bark bright golden pale yellow brownish-greyish-green
leaflets mostly grayish pubescent
glabrous beneath
narrowly obovate
glabrous beneath
linear-lanceolate to linear
ovary densely pubescent glabrous or appressed pubescent glabrous
legume/length pubescent when young, 2-3 cm glabrous, 3-3.5 cm glabrous, 2-2.5 cm
unguis of wing ~ 1/3 as long as limb ~ 1/3 as long as limb ~ 1/2 as long as limb
auricle of unguis short ~ 2/3 as long as unguis ~ 1/4-1/2 as long as unguis

data compiled by: S. Rilke & S. Starke

Flora-de: Flora von Deutschland

(alter Name der Webseite: Blumen in Schwaben) Autor: Thomas Meyer
„Photo- Bestimmungsschlüssel zur Bestimmung der höheren Pflanzen Deutschlands, einschließlich häufiger Gartenpflanzen. Bestimmen Sie Ihre Pflanzen mit einem nach Farben gegliederten Bestimmungsschlüssel, mit Hilfe des Artenverzeichnisses, oder mit Hilfe des Suchfeldes.“

Pflanzen bestimmen – Pflanzen erkennen


Kurzbeschreibung lt. Website:

„ ist ein Portal zum Thema Botanik. Es gibt eine Online Pflanzenbestimmung, bei der Pflanzen nach Merkmalen oder Abbildungen bestimmt werden können. Die Benutzung ist kostenlos.“


Abfrage auf Vorhandensein bzw. Ausprägung bestimmungsrelevanter Merkmale. Abfrage-Schritte können übersprungen werden.

Visual Plants online


Short description cited from website:

„Search plant images using plant characters

This form allows a search for a combination of plant characters. There are four steps:
1. Choose from the character type pull-down menu the type of character you are looking for. The GUESS Color checkbox is used for a fuzzy logic search with free text.
2. Press the REFINE CHOICE button to get a more detailled list of the character types.
3. Use the CHARACTER STATEMENT pull down menu for your final choice.

4. Then press the SEARCH FOR SELECTION button to perform the search.
If you select more than one character type, the result is an intersection of the different characters you are looking for. The result is displayed in the list below.“

World Wide Flowering Plant Family Identification



Plant Habit
1. Woody plants (excl. suffrutices)
2. Herbaceous plants (incl. suffrutices)
3. Aquatic plants, leaves floating or submerged
4. Climbers, lianas
5. Chlorophyll absent (parasites or saprophytes)
6. Bulb present (monocots only)
7. Milky juice present
8. Spiny stems or leaves
9. Tendrils present
10. Cladodes or phyllodes (modified branches or petioles)

11. Hairs glandular
12. Hairs stellate (also 2-armed, branched and tufted)
13. Hairs stellate (not 2-armed, branched and tufted)
14. Hairs 2-armed or t-shaped, non-glandular
15. Hairs branched
16. Hairs tufted, non-glandular
17. Hairs peltate or scale-like
18. Hairs vesicular or bladder-like
19. Hairs stinging
20. Cystoliths present (dicots only)

21. Leaves opposite or verticillate
22. Leaves alternate (excl. distichous monocots)
23. Leaves distichous (monocots only)
24. Leaves equitant (e.g. Iris)
25. Leaves peltate
26. Leaves not compound
27. Leaves compound
28. Leaves pinnately compound (4 or more leaflets)
29. Leaves ternately compound (3 leaflets)
30. Leaves palmately compound (4 or more leaflets)
31. Venation pinnate or hardly visible in leaves or leaflets (incl. no. 30)
32. Venation invisible or leaves 1-nerved (monocots only)
33. Venation longitudinal in leaves or leaflets (incl. 3-nerved leaves)
34. Venation palmate in leaves or leaflets
35. Leaves or leaflets with entire margin (without any lobes or teeth)
36. Leaves or leaflets lobed or divided
37. Leaves or leaflets dentate, serrate, crenate, etc.
38. Epidermis of leaf papillose (dicots only)
39. Leaves with pellucid or glandular dots or lines
40. Leaves with a ligule
41. Stipules absent
42. Stipules present (only the scars may be left)

43. Flowers solitary
44. Inflorescence a raceme, simple and monopodial
45. Inflorescence a spike, simple and monopodial
46. Inflorescence a corymb, simple and monopodial
47. Inflorescence an umbel, simple and monopodial
48. Inflorescence a fascicle, simple and monopodial
49. Inflorescence a head, simple and monopodial
50. Inflorescence simple and sympodial (cyme, dichasium etc.)
51. Inflorescence compound, sympodial or monopodial (panicle, thyrsus etc.)

52. Flowers bisexual
53. Flowers unisexual
54. Flowers actinomorphic
55. Flowers zygomorphic or irregular
56. Receptacle small (ovary superior)
57. Receptacle enlarged, united with the ovary, totally or partially covering it
58. Receptacle enlarged, totally or partially free from the ovary (super. to inf.)
59. Receptacle enlarged, conical or hemispherical (ovaries superior)
60. Disc present (annular or separate glands)
61. Disc absent
62. Perianth segments 0
63. Perianth segments 1
64. Perianth segments 2
65. Perianth segments 3
66. Perianth segments 4
67. Perianth segments 5
68. Perianth segments 6
69. Perianth segments more than 6
70. Perianth of similar segments
71. Perianth of calyx and corolla
72. Sepals 0 (incl. a cupular calyx without lobes)
73. Sepals 1
74. Sepals 2
75. Sepals 3
76. Sepals 4
77. Sepals 5
78. Sepals more than 5
79. Sepals all free from one another
80. Sepals connate (at least two of them)
81. Sepals imbricate or contorted
82. Sepals valvate
83. Petals 0 (incl. a cupular corolla without lobes)
84. Petals 1
85. Petals 2
86. Petals 3
87. Petals 4
88. Petals 5
89. Petals 6
90. Petals 7
91. Petals 8
92. Petals 9
93. Petals 10
94. Petals more than 10
95. Petals all free from one another
96. Petals connate (at least two of them)
97. Petals imbricate
98. Petals contorted
99. Petals valvate
100. Corona present, or scales in the throat
101. Anther 1, fertile
102. Anthers 2, fertile
103. Anthers 3, fertile
104. Anthers 4, fertile
105. Anthers 5, fertile
106. Anthers 6, fertile
107. Anthers 7, fertile
108. Anthers 8, fertile
109. Anthers 9, fertile
110. Anthers 10, fertile
111. Anthers more than 10, fertile
112. Stamens the same number as and opposite the petals or alternate with the sepals
113. Flowers obdiplostemonous
114. Anthers dorsifixed or ventrifixed
115. Anthers basifixed
116. Anthers introrse
117. Anthers extrorse
118. Anthers opening by longitudinal slits
119. Anthers opening by apical pores
120. Anthers opening by valves
121. Anthers 1-locular at anthesis
122. Stamens free from the corolla
123. Stamens inserted on the corolla
124. Filaments not connate
125. Filaments connate into 1 tube or bundle
126. Filaments connate into separate bundles
127. Anthers with a conspicuous appendage
128. Pollen coherent into pollinia or wax-like masses
129. Staminodia present (in male or perfect flowers only)
130. Gynophore
131. Styles absent, stigmas sessile
132. Styles more than 1, free (carpels connate)
133. Style 1, or styles more or less connate (carpels free or connate)
134. Style gynobasic
135. Carpel 1
136. Carpels 2 (free or united)
137. Carpels 3 (free or united)
138. Carpels 4 (free or united)
139. Carpels 5 (free or united)
140. Carpels more than 5 (free or united)
141. Ovary 1-locular (incl. apocarpae)
142. Ovary 2-locular
143. Ovary 3-locular
144. Ovary 4-locular
145. Ovary 5-locular
146. Ovary with more than 5 locules
147. Ovule 1 in each loculus
148. Ovules 2 in each loculus
149. Ovules more than 2 in each loculus
150. Carpels free from each other or carpel 1
151. Ovules parietal, carpels connate
152. Ovules axile, carpels connate
153. Ovules attached to central axis or ventrally if carpels free or if carpel 1
154. Ovules attached to the apex of the ovary
155. Ovules attached to the base of the ovary

156. Fruit a capsule (incl. pod, follicle etc.)
157. Fruit a nut (incl. achene, loment, schizocarp etc.)
158. Fruit fleshy (berry, drupe, pome)
159. Fruit with 1 seed
160. Fruit with 2 seeds
161. Fruit with more than 2 seeds
162. Fruits with wings
163. Fruits with hairs for dispersal by wind
164. Fruits with retrorsely barbed, hook-like or glochidiate hairs
165. Fruits with spines and hooks
166. Seeds with wings
167. Seeds with hairs
168. Arillus or aril-like organs present
169. Embryo straight
170. Embryo curved
171. Cotyledons folded or crumpled
172. Seeds without endosperm
173. Seeds with endosperm
174. Endosperm ruminate

175. African
176. Asian
177. Australian and Oceanian
178. European
179. North American
180. South American