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Schweizerische Orchideenstiftung (SOF)


Zusammen mit dem Herbarium Renz wurden die Orchideen-Herbarbelege der Sammlungen Bernoulli & Cario, Basler Botanische Gesellschaft (BBG) und des Botanischen Instituts der Universität Basel digitalisiert. Diese Bilder von etwa 25’000 Orchideen-Herbarbelegen sind online verfügbar via Datenbanksuche.

Pflanzenwelt des Landkreises Karlsruhe


Version 2.61 von Michael Hassler und Bernd Schmitt. Mit 6002 Bildern von 2052 Taxa (insg. 2063 Taxa). In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Botanischen Garten der Universität Karlsruhe.

Flora von Deutschland – Eine Bilder-Datenbank


Version 2.51 von Michael Hassler und Bernd Schmitt. Mit 11429 Bildern von 4003 Taxa (insges. 4669 Taxa). In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Botanischen Garten der Universität Karlsruhe.

Flora of Rhodes


With 3755 photos of 1370 species (total 1529 taxa). By Michael Hassler, Bruchsal, Germany – Technical realization by Bernd Schmitt. In cooperation with Andreas Kleinsteuber, Karlsruhe (Field Guide of Rhodos Flowering Plants, in preparation). In cooperation with Botanical Garden of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

Flowering Plants of Pennsylvania and New Jersey


A Pictorial Database – Version 3.26. With 9945 photos of 3051 taxa (total 3569 taxa). By Michael Hassler, Bruchsal, Germany – Technical realization by Bernd Schmitt. In cooperation with Botanical Garden of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

Illustrated World Compendium of Orchids


Michael Hassler & Joachim Rheinheimer, Version 3.4. Covering 31,595 taxa, 28,166 species and 48,002 synonyms. With 8402 pictures of 5191 taxa. In cooperation with Heidelberg University Botanical Garden, Karlheinz Senghas(†), Botanical Garden of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. With special support by: Andys Orchids, Encinitas, California, Carl Luer, Sarasota, Florida, Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, Sarasota, Florida.

Checklist of Ferns and Lycophytes of the World

URL: Michael Hassler and Bernd Schmitt, Version 5.12. Covering 14,327 taxa, 12,634 species and 46,380 synonyms. Including 4,259 pictures of 1,282 species. With special support by Ralf Knapp (Taiwan). In cooperation with Botanical Garden of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

Species with references to Mongolia without specific locality data (cited in Gubanov 1996)

Apiaceae Conium maculatum L. (Flora Sibiri, 1996, 10 : 140, 163 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: Weed around residences, on dumps, along roadsides, in kitchen gardens (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 10, 2006).

Apiaceae Oenanthe javanica (Blume) DC. (Flora Sibiri, 1996, 10 : 140, 163 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: In swamps (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 10, 2006).

Asteraceae Crepis lyrata (L.) Froel. (Flora Sibiri, 1997, 13 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: In forests, glades, meadows, borders, up to high-mountain belts (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 13, 2007).

Asteraceae Galatella angustissima (Tausch) Novopokr. (Flora Evr. chasti SSSR, 1994, 7 : 192 cited in Gubanov 1996)

Asteraceae Jurinea multiflora (L.) B. Fedtsch. (Flora Sibiri, 1997, 13 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: Steppes, steppified and solonetzic meadows, fallow lands, borders of pine forests (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 13, 2007).

Asteraceae Ligularia glauca (L.) Hoffm. (Kamelin 1998 cited in Gubanov 1999)

Asteraceae Petasites sibiricus (J. F. Gmel.) Dingwall (Flora Sibiri, 1997, 13 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: Rubble tundras in mountain regions and in plains, moist slopes, talus, marshy tundras and banks of brooks (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 13, 2007).

Asteraceae Saussurea gracilis Herd. (Kamelin 1998 cited in Gubanov 1999)

Asteraceae Saussurea purpurata Fisch. ex Herd. (Kamelin 1998 cited in Gubanov 1999)

Asteraceae Serratula cardunculus (Pall.) Schischk. (Flora Sibiri, 1997, 13 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: Steppified, solonetzic meadows, banks of saline lakes, desert steppes (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 13, 2007).

Asteraceae Serratula komarovii Iljin (Flora Sibiri, 1997, 13 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: Arid stony slopes (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 13, 2007).

Asteraceae Serratula manshurica Kitag. (Flora Sibiri, 1997, 13 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: Tall-grass meadows and scrubs (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 13, 2007).

Asteraceae Solidago gebleri Juz. (Flora Sibiri, 1997, 13 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: Found in mountains in upper part of forest belt, in subalpine and alpine meadows, stony slopes, scrubs, generally plants of alpine tundra (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 13, 2007).

Asteraceae Taraxacum aksaicum Schischk. (Flora Sibiri, 1997, 13 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: In solonetzic meadows, pebble beds (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 13, 2007).

Asteraceae Taraxacum baicalense Schischk. (Flora Sibiri, 1997, 13 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: Arid meadows, stony steppes, solonetzes (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 13, 2007).

Asteraceae Taraxacum chamarense Peschkova (Flora Sibiri, 1997, 13 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: In alpine meadows, banks of rivers and lakes, moist stony slopes and talus in high mountains (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 13, 2007).

Asteraceae Taraxacum compactum Schischk. (Flora Sibiri, 1997, 13 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: In arid meadows, grassy slopes, roadsides (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 13, 2007).

Asteraceae Taraxacum czuense Schischk. (Flora Sibiri, 1997, 13 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: Solonetzic meadows, scrubs, arid stony steppes (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 13, 2007).

Asteraceae Taraxacum mujense Petroczenko (Flora Sibiri, 1997, 13 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: On moist grasslands, banks of brooks, moist talus and melkozem in high mountains (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 13, 2007).

Asteraceae Taraxacum pseudoatratum Oraz. (Flora Sibiri, 1997, 13 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: Arid stony slopes and talus, pebble beds (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 13, 2007).

Asteraceae Taraxacum sangilense Krasnob. et V. Khan. (Flora Sibiri, 1997, 13 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: In alpine meadows in high mountains, river banks, wet talus (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 13, 2007).

Asteraceae Taraxacum tuvense Krasnob. et Krasnikov (Flora Sibiri, 1997, 13 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: On fine-rubble talus in high mountains (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 13, 2007).

Asteraceae Turczaninowia fastigiata (Fisch.) DC. (Flora Sibiri, 1997, 13 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: On banks of humid forbs meadows (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 13, 2007).

Betulaceae Betula fructicosa montana M. Schemberg (Flora Sibiri, 1992, 5 : 67 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: Forms thickets (dwarf birch thickets) along mountain brooks, rivers. Escapes into tundra (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 5, 2003).

Betulaceae Duschekia manshurica (Call.) Pouzar (Cherepanov, 1955 cited in Gubanov 1996)

Boraginaceae Craniospermum subfloccosum Kryl. (Flora of China, 1995, vol. 16 : 415 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: On rocks (Flora of China, 1995, Vol. 16 : 415).

Boraginaceae Lappula anisacantha (Turcz. ex Bunge) Guerke (Flora Sibiri, 1997, 11 : 133, 139 – 142 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: On steppe slopes and sand (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 11, 2006).

Boraginaceae Lappula marginata (Bieb.) Guerke (Flora Sibiri, 1997, 11 : 133, 139 – 142 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: In arid steppes, sandy areas (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 11, 2006).

Boraginaceae Lappula redowskii (Hornem.) Greene (Flora Sibiri, 1997, 11 : 133, 139 – 142 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: On rocky and rubbly southern slopes, pebble beds, in steppes (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 11, 2006).

Boraginaceae Lappula tenuis (Ledeb.) Guerke (Flora Sibiri, 1997, 11 : 133, 139 – 142 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: On arid steppe slopes and meadows (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 11, 2006).

Boraginaceae Lappula tuvinica Ovczinnikova (Flora Sibiri, 1997, 11 : 133, 139 – 142 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: In desertified steppes and steppified meadows (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 11, 2006).

Boraginaceae Mertensia meyeriana (Sims) G. Don (Flora of China, 1995, 16 : 376 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: Meadows of slopes, glades (Flora of China, 1995, Vol. 16 : 376).

Brassicaceae Cardamine lyrata Bunge (Flora Sibiri, 1994, 7 : 82 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: Along banks of rivers and brooks (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 7, 2004).

Brassicaceae Draba alpina brachycarpa (Bunga) Malyschev (Flora Sibiri, 1993, 7 : 138 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: In alpine belt, on rock and rubble slopes of mountains (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 7, 2004).

Brassicaceae Draba dasycarpa C. A. Mey. (Flora Sibiri, 1993, 6 : 138 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: Along banks of brooks in subalpine mountain belt (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 7, 2004).

Brassicaceae Erysimum amurense Kitag. (Sosud. rast. sov. Daln. Vost., 1988, 3 : 104; Flora Sibiri, 1994, 7 : 67 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: On arid rock slopes, rocks, and screes, riverine sand and pebble beds (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 7, 2004).

Brassicaceae Lepidium perfoliatum L. (Sosud. rast. sov. Daln. Vost., 1988, 3 : 44; Flora Sibiri, 1994, 7 : 143 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: In steppes, rubble slopes, solonetzic steppe meadows, as weed on railroad embankments (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 7, 2001).

Brassicaceae Sisymbrium junceum intermedium Ovczinnikova (Flora Sibiri, 1994, 7 : 54 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: In herbaceous-wormwood, rocky steppes, on rocks (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 7, 2004).

Caryophyllaceae Arenaria longifolia Bieb. (Flora SSSR, 1936, 6 : 528; Flora Sibiri, 1993, 6 : 50 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: On rubble slopes (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 6, 2003).

Caryophyllaceae Dianthus superbus sajanensis Baikov (Flora Sibiri, 1993, 6 : 94 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: In larch forests, meadows, pebble bed banks of rivers, subalpine and alpine meadows, dwarf birch groves, moss tundras, rocky southern slopes, small rock streams (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 6, 2003).

Caryophyllaceae Lychnis chalcedonica L. (Flora Sibiri, 1987, 6 : 58 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: In tall-grass meadows along river valleys, in forests, forest borders (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 6, 2003).

Caryophyllaceae Silene sobolevskajae Czer. (Flora Sibiri, 1993, 6 : 69 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: In alpine meadows, cliffs (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 6, 2003).

Caryophyllaceae Silene wolgensis (Hornem.) Otth (Devyatov, 1987; Flora Sibiri, 1993, 6 : 69, 75 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: In steppes, on meadows, grassy slopes, sparse forests (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 6, 2003).

Crassulaceae Sedum aizoon baicalense Peschk. (Flora Sibiri, 1994, 7 : 162 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: On rocks, talus, rocky southern slopes, in arid pine groves in lower steppe belt (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 7, 2004).

Cyperaceae Carex capillaris L. (Flora Sibiri, 1990, 3 :114 cited in Gubanov 1996 )
Habitat: Forest and floodplain meadows, among scrub, on mossy river banks. Typical of forest zone (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 3, 2001).

Cyperaceae Carex drymophila Turcz. ex Steud. (Sosud. rast. sov. Daln. Vost. 1988, 3 : 289, 339, 344 cited in Gubanov 1996)

Cyperaceae Carex kirganica Kom. (Sosud. rast. sov. Daln. Vost. 1988, 3 : 289, 339, 344 cited in Gubanov 1996)

Cyperaceae Carex rotundata Wahlenb. (Ford, Ball, 1992 cited in Gubanov 1999)

Cyperaceae Carex vanheurckii Muell. Arg. (Sosud. rast. sov. Daln. Vost. 1988, 3 : 289, 339, 344 cited in Gubanov 1996)

Fabaceae Hedysarum theinum Krasnob. (Krasnoborov i dr., 1985; Flora Sibiri, 1994, 9 : 165 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: In alpine, subalpine meadows, rocky slopes in high-mountain belt and adjoining regions of forest belt, along brooks, forest meadows (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 9, 2006).

Fumariaceae Corydalis bracteata (Steph.) Pers. (Flora Sibiri, 1994, 7 : 35, 39 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: In forests, more often dark coniferous forests, and their borders, ascends on to high mountains where it is found in sparse forests under bald peaks and subalpine meadows (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 7, 2004).

Fumariaceae Corydalis sajanensis Peschk. (Flora Sibiri, 1994, 7 : 35, 39 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: In alpine belt (1500-2500 m alt.) along banks of brooks and rivulets, in wet alpine grasslands, swamped meadows, scrubs under bald peaks, sparse larch forests, moss tundras, slopes of cirques and rock talus (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 7, 2004).

Gentianaceae Gentiana atrata Bunge (Flora Sibiri, 1997, 11 : 76 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: In meadows, forest borders (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 11, 2006).

Gentianaceae Gentiana variegata (Zuev) Czer. (Zuev, 1986 cited in Gubanov 1996)

Gentianaceae Swertia connata Schrenk (Flora of China, 1995, 16 : 108, 120 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: Hillsides, forest margins; 1600-2600 m (Flora of China, Vol. 16, 1995).

Gentianaceae Swertia diluta (Turcz.) Benth. et Hook. (Flora of China, 1995, 16 : 108, 120 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: 100-3100 m (Flora of China, Vol. 16, 1995).

Geraniaceae Geranium krylovii Tzvel. (Flora Sibiri, 1996, 10 : 14 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: In larch, mixed, and pine forests, forest borders, glades, along valley meadows, scrubs; ascends into high mountains, being common in alpine and subalpine meadows, in sparse forests, dwarf birch thickets, and grassy tundras at foot of bald peaks (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 10, 2006).

Iridaceae Iris loczyi Kanitz (Flora Sibiri, 1987, 4: 119 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: In cereal grass-wormwood steppes (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 4, 2001)

Iridaceae Iris ruthenica brevituba (Maxim.) Doronkin (Flora Sibiri, 1987, 4 : 121 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: In deciduous forests and exposed rocky slopes (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 4, 2001).

Lamiaceae Dracocephalum olchonense Peschkova (Flora Sibiri, 1997, 11 : 180 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: In arid, quite often rocky-rubbly or sandy steppes, often as weed in waste lands on roadside, railroad embankments, fallow land, occasionally on sand in pine forests (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 11, 2006).

Lamiaceae Hyssopus ambiguus (Trautv.) Iljin (Flora Sibiri, 1997, 11 : 165, 204 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: On rocky and rubbly slopes, rocks (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 11, 2006).

Lamiaceae Scutellaria sieversii Bunge (Flora Sibiri, 1997, 11 : 165, 204 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: On rocky and rubbly slopes (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 11, 2006).

Lythraceae Lythrum intermedium Ledeb. (Sosud. rast. sov. Daln. Vost., 1988, 3 : 133; Spisok rast. Gerb. fl. Rossii i sopredelnykh gosudarstv, 1992, 28 : 43 cited in Gubanov (1996); Flora Sibiri, 1996, 10 : 106 cited in Gubanov 1999 )
Habitat: In floodplain terraces of rivers, around thermal springs (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 10, 2006).

Lythraceae Lythrum salicaria L. (Flora Sibiri, 1996, 10 : 106 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: In wet and marshy meadows, swamps, in aspen-birch stands, coastal scrubs (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 10, 2006).

Lythraceae Lythrum virgatum L. (Flora Sibiri, 1996, 10 : 106 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: In floodplain and marshy meadows, swamps, along banks of reservoirs, on pebble beds (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 10, 2006).

Orchidaceae Dactylorhiza longifolia (Neuman) Aver. (Flora Sibiri, 1987, 4 : 129 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: In wet meadows, lowland marshes, forests and scrub (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 4, 2001).

Plantaginaceae Plantago urvillei Opiz (Flora Sibiri, 1996, 12 : 110 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: In steppe zone and adjoining forest regions, steppes, solonetzic, arid valley meadows, thin forests, arid grassy slopes, fallow land, roadsides, river valleys (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 12, 2007).

Poaceae Agropyron erickssonii (Meld.) Peschk. (Flora Sibiri, 1990, 2 : 38, 39 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: Hill-steppe belt, rocky-rubble steppes, steppified meadows, sand knolls (Flora of Siberia, Vol.2, 2001)

Poaceae Agropyron kazachstanicum (Tzvel.) Peschk. (Flora Sibiri, 1990, 2 : 38, 39 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: Rocky-rubble steppes, rocks, steppe scrubs, desert associations, less often on sand and sandy steppes, ascending to 2,000 m in hills (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 2, 2001).

Poaceae Agrostis tuvinica Peschk. (Flora Sibiri, 1990, 2 : 112 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: Middle and upper mountain belt, sand-pepple river banks, subalpine meadows and shrubs, mixed forests and exposed slopes (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 2, 2001).

Poaceae Dactylis glomerata L. (Tsvelev, 1976 : 517; Flora Sibiri, 1990, 2 : 209 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: Floodplain meadows, forest fringes (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 2, 2001).

Poaceae Echinochloa crusgalli caudata (Roshev.) Tvzel. (Flora Sibiri, 1990, 2 : 237 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: Banks of water reservoirs (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 52, 2001).

Poaceae Festuca jacutica Drob. (Flora Sibiri, 1990, 2 : 149 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: Sparse forests (predominantly larch and pine), shrups, forest glades, arid meadows, rocky slopes, rocks; up to mid-mountain belt (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 2, 2001).

Poaceae Festuca pseudosulcata Drob. (Socud. rast. sov. Dalnego Vost., 1985, 1 : 257 cited in Gubanov 1996)

Poaceae Hierochloë glabra chakassica Peschk. (Flora Sibiri, 1990, 2 : 118 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: Solonetz, wet and marshy meadows along river valleys, sandy and rocky steppes, sometimes in pine groves (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 2, 2001).

Poaceae Hierochloë odorata arctica (C. Presl) Tzvel. (Tsvelev, 1968, 1976 cited in Gubanov 1996)

Poaceae Hierochloë odorata sibirica Tzvel. (Tsvelev 1968, 1976 cited in Gubanov 1996)

Poaceae Hordeum macilentum Steud. (Flora Sibiri, 1990, 2 : 57 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: Saline meadows and solonchaks along banks of salt lakes (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 2, 2001).

Poaceae Leymus ordensis Peschk. (Flora Sibiri, 1990, 2 : 49, 52 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: Solonchak meadows and steppes in steppe regions (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 2, 2001).

Poaceae Leymus racemosus crassinervius (Kar. et Kir.) Tzvel. (Flora Sibiri, 1990, 2 : 50 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: Sand dunes, sand steppes and semideserts, dry pine groves, thickets of steppe pea tree (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 2, 2001).

Poaceae Setaria italica (L.) Beauv. (Tsvelev, 1976 : 677, 678 cited in Gubanov 1996 )

Poaceae Setaria viridis pycnocoma (Steud.) Tzvel. (Tsvelev, 1976 : 677, 678 cited in Gubanov 1996)

Polygonaceae Polygonum borgoicum Tupitzina (Flora Sibiri, 1992, 5 : 129 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: In wet solonetzes (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 5, 2003).

Ranunculaceae Aconitum ranunculoides Turcz. (Sosud. rast. sov. Daln. Vost., 1995, 7 : 47 cited in Gubanov 1996)

Ranunculaceae Aconitum rubicundum Fisch. (Flora Sibiri, 1993, 6 : 138 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: In wet forests, tall-grass meadows, ascends up to upper forest belt (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 6, 2003).

Ranunculaceae Aquilegia parviflora Ledeb. (Flora SSSR, 1937, 7 : 88; Flora Sibiri, 1993, 6 : 110 cited in Gubanov 1996 (as 6: 138))
Habitat: In sparse grassy forests and along borders (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 6, 2003).

Ranunculaceae Aquilegia tuvinica I. M. Vassil. (Vasileva, 1992 cited in Gubanov 1996)

Ranunculaceae Ranunculus pedatifidus turczaninovii Luferov (Luferov, 1992 cited in Gubanov 1996)

Ranunculaceae Ranunculus rigescens Turcz. ex Trautv. (Flora Sibiri, 1993, 6 : 193 cited in Gubanov 1996)

Ranunculaceae Thalictrum foetidum acutilobum (DC.) Frisen (Flora Sibiri, 1993, 6 : 203 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: On cliffs and rubble and steppe slopes (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 6, 2003).

Rhamnaceae Rhamnus dahurica Pall. (Flora Sibiri, 1996, 10 : 64 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: Along banks of rivers and brooks in scrubs (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 10, 2006).

Rosaceae Alchemilla phalacropoda Juz. (Yuzepchuk, 1954; cited in Gubanov 1996 )

Rosaceae Potentilla angustiloba Yu et Li (Sojak, 1986; cited in Gubanov 1996)

Rosaceae Rubus chamaemorus L. (Flora Sibiri, 1988, 8 : 30 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: In arctic and forest zones, forest belt in sphagnum bogs, moist moss and moss-lichen tundras (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 8, 2004).

Rubiaceae Galium ruthenicum Willd. (Flora Sibiri, 1996, 12 : 120 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: In steppes, on arid slopes of mud cones, stony banks of rivers, roadsides, forest borders (Flora of Siberia, Vol.12, 2007).

Ruppiaceae Ruppia drepanensis Tineo (Flora Sibiri, 1988, 1 : 105 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: In bitter-brackish water reservoirs (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 1, 2000).

Ruppiaceae Ruppia maritima L. (Sosudistye rasteniya sovetskogo Dalnego Vostoka, 1987, 2 : 336 cited in Gubanov 1996)

Salicaceae Salix caesia tschujensis N. Bolschakov (Flora Sibiri, 1992, 5 : 44 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: In steppe, forest-steepe, sometimes forest and subalpine belts along swampy floodplains and banks of rivers, near springs; at times, dominant (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 5, 2003).

Santalaceae Thesium multicaule Ledeb. (Flora Sibiri, 1992, 5 : 83, 87 cited in Gubanov 1996)

Santalaceae Thesium tuvense Krasnob. (Flora Sibiri, 1992, 5 : 83, 87 cited in Gubanov 1996)
Habitat: Sand dunes in desert steppes (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 5, 2003).

Scrophulariaceae Mazus stachydifolium (Turcz.) Maxim. (Flora Sibiri, 1996, 12 : 16, 24, 64 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: In river valleys, floodplain meadows (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 12, 2007).

Scrophulariaceae Rhinanthus serotinus (Schoen.) Oborny (Flora Sibiri, 1996, 12 : 16, 24, 64 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: Borders of forests, pine forests, among scrubs, roadsides (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 12, 2007).

Scrophulariaceae Verbascum thapsus L. (Flora Sibiri, 1996, 12 : 16, 24, 64 cited in Gubanov 1999)
Habitat: In southern forest and steppe regions, exposed rocky, grassy slopes, river banks, meadows, forest glades, scrubs, plantations, roadsides (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 12, 2007).

Woodsiaceae Woodsia asiatica Schmakov et Kiselev (Shmakov & Kiselev, 1995 cited in Gubanov 1996 )

Woodsiaceae Woodsia asplenioides Rupr. (Shmakov & Kiselev, 1995 cited in Gubanov 1996)


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