
in Cited Literature:

Author: Angiosperm Phylogeny Group. [A.P.G.]
Title: An ordinal classification for the families of flowering plants
Published: Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 85 (531-553), 1998
Keywords: APG, classification

Author: Angiosperm Phylogeny Group. [A.P.G.]
Title: An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG II
Published: Bot. J. Linnean Soc. 141 (399-436) The Linnean Society of London, 2003
Keywords: APG II, classification

Author: Angiosperm Phylogeny Group. [A.P.G.]
Remarks: doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2009.00996.x
Title: An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III
Published: Bot. J. Linnean Soc. 161 (105–121) The Linnean Society of London, 2009
Keywords: APG III, classification

Author: Baikov, K.S.
Title: Empetraceae in Flora Siberia. Vol. 10, Science Publisher Enfield.
Published: (73-74), 2006

Author: Baum, Bernhard R.
Title: The Genus Tamarix
Published: (209), Jerusalem, 1978

Author: Berendsohn W.
Title: MoReTax Handling Factual Information Linked to Taxonomic Concepts in Biology.
Published: Schriftenreihe Vegetationskunde 39, Bonn, 2003
Keywords: concept-based taxonomic information model, Berlin Model

Author: Bjazrov, L.G., Ganbold, Z., Gubanov, I.A. & Ulziykhutag I.
Title: Flora Khangaya
Published:, Leningrad, 1989

Author: Byazrov, L. G.; Ganbold, E.; Gubanov, I. A.; Ulziykhutag, N.;
Title: Flora Khangaya [The flora of Khangay Mts.]
Published: Biologicheskie Resursy I Prirodnye Usloviya Mongolskoy Narodnoy Respubliki Nauka, Leningrad, 1989

Author: Byazrov, L.G., Gubanov, I.A., Ganbold, E., Dulgerov, A.N., Tsegmed, T.
Title: Flora vostochnogo Khangaya. [Flora of the Eastern Khangay]
Published: Biologicheskie Resursy I Prirodnye Usloviya Mongolskoy Narodnoy Respubliki, 20, Moskva, 1983
Keywords: Biogeography – Chorology,Flora,Khangay,Lichens,Mosses,Synonymity,Taxonomy & Systematics,Vascular Plants,

Author: Cribb P. ,
Title: The genus Cypripedium
Published: (301 ) Timber Press Portland, Oregon, 1997

Author: Czerepanov S.K.
Title: Vascular plants of Russia and adjacent states (the former USSR)
Published: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1995

Author: Dulamsuren, C.
Title: Floristische Diversität, Vegetation und Standortbedingungen in der Gebirgstaiga des Westkhentej, Nordmongolei
Published: Berichte des Forschungszentrums Waldökosysteme 191 ( p.1-290), 2004
Keywords: Biogeography – Chorology,Flora,Habitat,Khentey,Soil,Vegetation,Vegetation Classification,

Author: Dulamsuren, C., Kamelin, R.V., Cvelev, N.N., Hauck, M., Mühlenberg, M.
Title: Additions to the flora of the Khentej, Mongolia, 2
Published: Willdenowia 34 (p.505-510), 2004
Keywords: Flora, Khentey, Mongolia, Taxonomy & Systematics

Author: Dulamsuren, C., Mühlenberg, M.
Title: Additions to the flora of the Khentei, Mongolia
Published: Willdenowia 33 ( p.149-158), 2003
Keywords: Flora,Khentey,Mongolia,Taxonomy & Systematics,

Author: Ebel, A.L. & Rudaya, N.A.
Title: Zametki po flore Zapadnoy Mongolii. Turczaninowia 5(1) 32-42. [Notes on the flora of Western Mongolia].
Published:, 2002

Author: Freitag, H. Hedge I.C., Jafri S.M.H., Kothe-Heinrich G., Omer S.
Title: Chenopodiaceae in Ali & Qaiser M., Flora of Pakistan 204: 1-217
Published: (217 S.), Karachi [UB Freihand, 660/WL 1179 F866] , 2001

Author: Freitag, H. & Lomonosova, M.
Title: Typification and identity of Suaeda crassifolia, S. prostrata and S. salsa, three often confused species of Suaeda sect. Brezia (Chenopodiaceae, Suaedoideae).
Published: Willdenowia 36 (21-36), 2006

Author: Friesen, N.
Title: The genus Allium L. in the flora of Mongolia.
Published: Feddes Rep. 106 (p. 59-81), 1995

Author: Friesen, N.V. & Timokhina, S.A.
Title: Ranunculaceae in Flora Siberia Vol. 6
Published: Plymouth, UK, Science Publisher Enfield., 2003

Author: Gelin, Zhu, Mosyakin, S.L. & Clemants S.E.
Title: Chenopodiaceae
Published: Flora of China. Vol. 5 (351-414) Science Press, Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing, St. Louis., 2003
Keywords: Chenopodiaceae
Link to Homepage:

Author: Greuter W., Brummit R. K., Farr E., Kilian N., Kirk P.M. and Silva P.C. (eds.)
Title: NCU-3. Names in Current Use for Extant Plant Genera.
Published: Regnum Veg. 129 (1464 p.), 1993
Link to Homepage:

Author: Grubov, V. I.
Title: Konspekt flory Mongolskoy Narodnoy Respubliki.
Published: Akademii Nauk SSSR, Moskva, Leningrad, 1955
Keywords: Taxonomy & Systematics, Biogeography, Biogeography – Chorology

Author: Grubov, V.I.
Title: Opredelitel sosudistykh rasteniy Mongolii. Nauka Leningrad. [Key to the vascular plants of Mongolia.]
Published:, 1982

Author: Grubov, V.I.
Title: Key to the vascular plants of Mongolia. Vol. I a. II. Science Publishers Enfield-Plymouth. Reprint and unchanged English translation of Grubov (1982)
Published:, 2001

Author: Grubov, V.I., Ivanina, L.I., & Tscherneva, O.V.
Title: Plants of Central Asia. Vol. 5
Published: Science Publishers, Enfield, NH, USA, eds. (2002)

Author: Grubov,V.I. (ed.-in-chief)
Title: Plants of Central Asia plant collections from China and Mongolia. Vol. 1- 14, Science Publisher Enfield. Reprint and unchanged English translation of Grubov (1963-1971).
Published:, 1999-2006

Author: Grubov,V.I. (ed.-in-chief)
Title: Rasteniya Tsentralnoy Azii. T. 1-15, [Plants of Central Asia.]
Published: Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Botanicheskiy Institut im. V. L. Komarova, Moskva, Leningrad, 1963-1971

Author: Gubanov I. A. & Hilbig W.
Title: Bibliographia phytosociologica: Mongolia. Pars II.
Published: Excerpta bot., sect. B, sociol. 30 (63-117), 1993

Author: Gubanov, I.A.
Title: Konspekt flory Vneshney Mongolii (sosudistye rasteniya). Valant Moskva. [Conspectus of flora of Outer Mongolia (vascular plants).] (in Russ. and Engl.)
Published:, 1996

Author: Gubanov, I.A.
Title: Dopolneniya i ispravleniya k „Konspektu Flory Vneshney Mongolii (Sosudistye Rasteniya)“. [Additions and corrections to the “Conspectus of flora of Outer Mongolia (vascular plants)”]
Published: Turczaninowia 2(3) (19-23), 1999

Author: H. Meusel & E.J. Jäger (Hrsg.) S. Bräutigam, H.-D. Knapp, S. Rauschert, E. Weinert
Title: Vergleichende Chorologie der zentraleuropäischen Flora I, II, III
Published: Fischer Verlag, Jena, Germany, 1965-1996
Link to Homepage:

Author: Hauck, M.H., Solongo
Title: Flowers of Mongolia
Veröffentlicht in: Willdenowia 41, Buchbesprechungen / Book reviews, pp. 197-200(4)
“Endlich, eine Bilderflora der Mongolei! Das gerade erschienene Werk enthält 435 Arten und damit immerhin bereits 15% der mongolischen Flora. Zusammen mit der virtuellen Datensammlung zur Flora der Mongolei (, wo aktuell 1009 Arten in Bildern (Scans von Herbarbelegen und Fotos) präsentiert werden, ist ein bemerkenswerter Anteil der mongolischen Flora mit Farbfotos abgedeckt. Von den Autoren wird diese Internet-Seite aber leider nicht zitiert. 1182 Farbfotografien von 435 Arten der Höheren Pflanzen aus 75 Familien sind in dem neuen Werk enthalten. Die Intention der Autoren ist es, durch aussagekräftige Fotos eine anschauliche Ergänzung zu den vorhandenen Florenwerken (Grubov 1982, 2001, 2008: Key to the vascular plants of Mongolia; Gubanov 1996: Conspectus of flora of Outer Mongolia; regionale Werke z.B. Flora Khangaya, auf russisch) der Mongolei anzubieten. Die Fotos sind in vier Gruppen gegliedert: Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledonae und Monocotyledonae. Innerhalb dieser Gruppen sind die Familien und in den Familien die Arten alphabetisch angeordnet. […] Artnamen und Synonyme der relevanten Literatur, Informationen zu typischen Habitaten und Vegetationstypen sowie kurze Kommentare finden sich im 2. Teil des Buches. Bestimmungsmerkmale sich nicht enthalten. Diesbezüglich muss man weiterhin auf das Grundlagenwerk von Grubov (s.o.) zurückgreifen, das im Querschnitt sehr gute, brauchbare Schlüssel und praktische, kurze, auf bestimmungsrelevante Merkmale fokussierte Beschreibungen enthält und damit ohnehin nicht leicht zu übertreffen ist. Die Verbreitung in der Mongolei wird in Form von Nummern, die sich auf die phytogeographischen Regionen von Grubov beziehen, angegeben. Den Gebrauchswert des Werkes beeinträchtigt, dass Fotos und Kommentare in getrennten Buchbereichen liegen. Insgesamt ein gelungenes Werk für Mongolen, Deutsche oder des Englischen mächtige Botanikfreunde. So können wir uns auf die geplanten Erweiterungsbände mit hoffentlich vielen Fruchtdetails freuen.”
Sabrina Rilke
Published: Verlag Rüdiger Biermann, Telgte, 2010
Keywords: Illustrated Book, Mongolia, Plant Characteristics
Link to Homepage:

Author: Hedge I.C. Akhani K., Freitag H., Kothe-Heinrich G., Podlech D., Rilke S. & Uotila P.
Title: Chenopodiaceae
Published: Flora Iranica 172 (371, 212 tab.), Graz, 1997

Author: Heywood, V. H.; Brummitt, R. K.; Culham, A. & Seberg, O.
Title: Flowering Plant Families of the World
Abstract: At the core of the book are the comprehensive entries on 504 flowering plant families. Each entry describes distribution, anatomy, habitat, classification and commercial uses. Features: complete introductory section about flowering plants, Distribution maps and quick-reference panels, An extensive illustrated glossary of specialist terms, comprehensive index with plant names in Latin and English.
Published: Firefly Books, 2007

Author: Hilbig, W.
Title: The vegetation of Mongolia
Published:, Amsterdam, 1995

Author: IPNI
Title: The International Plant Names Index. Published on the Internet [accessed 2010 since]
Published:, 2008
Link to Homepage:

Author: Jäger, E.J., Hanelt, P., Davazhamts, T.
Title: Zur Flora der Dsungarischen Gobi (Mongolische Volksrepublik)
Published: Flora 177 ( p.45-89), 1985
Keywords: Biogeography – Chorology,Dsungarian Gobi,Flora,Floristic Findings,Gobi Desert,Western Mongolia,

Author: Jigjidsuren S. & Johnson D.A.
Title: Forage plants in Mongolia
Abstract: The 563-page book “Forage Plants in Mongolia,” authored by S. Jigjidsuren (Research Institute of Animal Husbandry, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia) and Douglas A. Johnson, describes the botanical details of more than 300 forage plant species from the rich, diverse flora of Mongolia. This work was facilitated through joint U.S.-Mongolia germplasm collection expeditions undertaken in 1994, 1996, and 1998 and in subsequent evaluations in Mongolia funded through the PL-480 Program and an associated collaborative project from the USDA-Foreign Agricultural Service. The text is written in both English and Mongolian languages, and describes the major forage species of Mongolia’s flora. The book contains plant species names in Latin and Mongolian, local Mongolian names, botanical and vegetation characteristics of each species, area of distribution within Mongolia, palatability and nutritional information, and their economic importance and potential for future use. Color photographs and/or line drawings for most of the forage species are also included in the book and make it a valuable resource for the identification of Mongolia’s forage species. The inclusion of local Mongolian plant names in the book preserves traditional
Published: USDA-ARS Forage and Range Research Lab, Dept. of Forest, Range and Wildlife Sciences, Ulaanbaatar, 2003
Keywords: Mongolia,Palatability,Plant Characteristics,
Link to file:

Author: Kee Chang Huang
Title: The Pharmacology of Chinese herbs second edition
Published: CRC Press LLC, 1999

Author: Knapp H. D. & Tschimed-Otschir B.
Title: Naturschutz in der Mongolei.
Published: Konold W., Böcker R. & Hampicke U. (Hrsg.), Handbuch Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege 5 (1-15), Landsberg, 2001

Author: Krasnoborov, I.M. (series ed.)
Title: Flora Siberia. Vol. 1-11, Science Publisher Enfield.
Published:, 2000-2006

Author: Kubitzki, K.
Title: The families and genera of vascular plants
Abstract: This encyclopedia offers access to the diversity of ferns and seed plants, the most important groups of green land plants. Available information of general and systematic relevance is synthesized at the level of families. Evidence from virtually all disciplines important to modern taxonomy makes the work a most valuable source of reference not only for taxonomists, but for all who are interested in the various aspects of plant diversity. A revised classification includes a complete inventory of genera along with their diagnostic features, keys for their identification, and references to the literature.
Published: Vol. I – XI Springer, Berlin, 1990 – 2014
Keywords: Taxonomy, Systematics, Characters, Features, Genus descriptions, Key

Author: Langran, Xu & Aedo, Carlos
Title: Geraniaceae
Published: Flora of China Vol. 11 (7-30) Science Press, Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing, St. Louis., 2008
Keywords: Geraniaceae
Link to Homepage:

Author: Lavrenko, E.M.
Title: Karta rastitel’nosti Mongol’skoj Narodnoj respubliki [Vegetation map of Mongolian People’s Republic 1 : 1.500.000, in 4 sheets]
Published:, Moskva, 1979
Keywords: Map,Mongolia,Vegetation,Vegetation Zones,

Author: Ligaa U., Davaasuren B., Ninjil N.
Title: Medical plants of Mongolia used in Western and Eastern Medicine
Abstract: 688 medicinal plants with decription, distribution, habitat, parts used, ingredient, used in western and eastern medicine
Published: Proceedings of joint Russian-Mongolian complex Biological Expedition, Moscow, 2009
Keywords: Medical Plants

Author: Liu L., Zhu G.
Remarks: Illustrations 2007
Title: Bromus in Zheng-Yi, Wu (co-chairs of the ed. committee) Flora of China, Vol. 22.
Published: Science Press, Missouri Botanical Garden Press (370-395), Beijing, St. Louis., 2006

Author: Lomonosova, M. & Freitag, H
Title: The genus Suaeda (Chenopodiaceae in Asian Russia.
Published: Rastitel’n. Mir Aziatsk. Ross. 2008 (12-19), 2008

Author: Lomonosova, M. & Freitag, H.
Title: A new species of Suaeda (Chenopodiaceae) from the Altai.
Published: Willdenowia 33 (139-147), 2003

Author: Lomonosova, M., Brandt, R. & Freitag, H.
Title: Suaeda corniculata (Chenopodiaceae) and related new taxa from Eurasia.
Published: Willdenowia 38 (81-109), 2008

Author: Makkar H. P. S., Norvsambuu T., Lkhagvatseren S. & Becker K.
Title: Plant Secondary Metabolites in some Medicinal Plants of Mongolia Used for Enhancing Animal Health and Production
Published: Tropicultura 27 (159-167), 2009
Keywords: medicinal plants, herbs, plant secondary metabolites, phytochemicals. phytotherapy, Mongolia
Link to Homepage:

Author: Malyschev L.I. & Peschkova G.A.
Title: Poaceae in Flora Siberia. Vol. 2, Science Publisher Enfield.
Published:, 2001

Author: Molau, U. & Murray, D.F.
Title: Taxonomic revision of the Pedicularis sudetica complex (Scrophulariaceae): the Arctic species
Published: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis Symbolae Botanicae Upsalienses, 31 (33-46), 1996

Author: N.K. Kovtonyuk, V.Ju. Barkalov & N.V. Friesen
Abstract: Allium-Friesen_turcz3_4_09_31_39.pdf
Published: Turczaninowia 12(3–4) (31–39), 2009
Keywords: Allium

Author: Neuffer, B., Oyuntsegtseg, B., Schamsran, Z., Friesen, N., Hurka, H.
Remarks: Records for Mongolia in Floragreif (June 2009 by E. Dauber)
Title: Contribution to the knowledge of the Flora of the Mongolian Altai
Published: Feddes Rep. 114 (358-371), 2003

Author: Neuffer, B.A., German, D., Hurka, H.
Title: Contribution to the knowledge of the Flora of the Mongolin Altai II
Published: Feddes Rep. 114 (632-637), 2003

Author: Nobis, M.
Title: Taxonomic revision of the Central Asian Stipa tianschanica complex (Poaceae) with particular reference to the epidermal micromorphology of the lemma.
Published: Folia Geobotanica 49: 283-308, 2014
DOI: 10.1007/s12224-013-9164-2

Author: NSOM [National Statistical Office of Mongolia] (ed.)
Title: Mongolian Statistical Yearbook 2001.
Published:, Ulaanbaatar, 2002

Author: Olmstead R., dePamphilis C., Wolfe A., Young N., Elison W. and Reeves P.
Title: Desintegrartion of the Scrophulariaceae
Published: American Journal of Botany 88 (2) (348-361), 2001
Keywords: Scrophulariaceae, Orobanchaceae, Veronicaceae, Laminales, molecular phylogeny

Author: Peschkova, G.A.
Title: Bromus and Bromopsis
Published: in Malyschev L.D. & Peschkova G.A. Flora Siberia. Vol. 2 (54-64), Science Publisher Enfield., 2001

Author: Peschkova, G.A.
Title: Geraniaceae in Flora Siberia. Vol. 10, Science Publisher Enfield.
Published: (8-22), 2006

Author: Pyak, A.I., Shaw, S.C., Ebel, A.L., Zverev, A.A., Hodgson, J.G., Wheeler, C.D., Gaston, K.J., Morenko, M.O., Revushkin, A.S., Kotukhov, Y.A., Oyunchimeg, D.
Title: Endemic plants of the Altai Mountain country
Published:, Hampshire, 2008
Keywords: Biogeography – Endemism,Mongolian Altai,Plant Characteristics,Russian Altai,Taxonomy & Systematics,

Author: Revushkin, A.S., Rudaya, N.A., Smorgov, A.E., Ebel, A.L., Shchegoleva, N.V.
Title: Floristicheskie nachodki v Zapadnoy Mongolii. [Floristic findings in Western Mongolia]
Published: Botanicheskiy Zhurnal 86(5) ( p.142-151), 2001
Keywords: Flora,Biogeography – Chorology,Taxonomy & Systematics,Western Mongolia,

Author: Rilke, S.
Title: Revision der Gattung Salsola s.l. der Gattung Salsola (Chenopodiaceae)
Published: Bibliotheca Botanica 149 (190), Stuttgart, 1999

Author: S. Rilke & U. Najmi
Title: FloraGREIF – virtual guide and plant database as a practical approach to the flora of Mongolia
Published: Willdenowia 41-2 (371-380) BGBM, Berlin, 2011
Keywords: e-taxonomy, biodiversity informatics, virtual research environment, digital herbarium specimens, plant identification, plant photo database, biodiversity informatics, webGIS
Link to Homepage:

Author: S. Rilke, U. Najmi & M. Schnittler
Title: Contributions to “E-Taxonomy” – A virtual approach to the flora of Mongolia (FloraGREIF)
Published: Feddes Rep. 123, Weinheim, 2013
Keywords: virtual research environment; digital herbarium specimens; plant identification; digital key; biodiversity informatics
Link to Homepage:

Author: Scholz, H.
Title: Infraspecific diversity of Eragrostis minor (Gramineae) in Central Asia
Published: XII Moscow Plant Phylogeny Symposium dedicated to the 250th anniversary of Professor Georg Franz Hoffmann: Proceedings (Moscow, 2 – 7 February, 2010). Edited by A.C. Timonin, R.P. Barykina, A.S. Zernov, L.I. Lotova, V.S. Novikov, M.G. Pimenov; M.E. Ploshinskaya, D.D. Sokoloff. KMK Scientific Press, 348 p. (83 – 87), Moscow, 2010

Author: Shiirevdamba, Ts., Shardarsuren, O., Erdenejav, G., Amgalan, Ts. and Tsetsegmaa, Ts. (eds.)
Title: Mongolian Red Book
Published: Ministry for Nature and the Environment of Mongolia, Ulaanbataar, 1997

Author: Shishkin, B.K. & Bobrov, E.G.
Title: Flora of the USSR. Volume XXII. Solanaceae A.L. Jussieu and Scrophulariaceae A.L. Jussieu.
Published: V.L Komarov Botanical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R, Leningrad, eds. (1955)

Author: Stace, C.
Title: New Flora of the Brithish Isles
Published: 3, 2010

Author: Stevens, P. F.
Title: Angiosperm Phylogeny Website. Version 9, June 2008 [and more or less continuously updated since]. (APweb)
Published: online, 2001 onwards
Keywords: APweb, APG II, APG III
Link to Homepage:

Author: Stubbe A., Kaczensky P., Wesche K., Samjaa R. & Stubbe M. (eds.)
Title: Exploration into the Biological Ressources of Mongolia
Published: 10, Staßfurt, 2007

Author: Teuscher E. & Lindequist U.
Title: Biogene Gifte
Published: 3. Aufl. Wiss Verlagsges , Stuttgart, 2010

Author: Teuscher, Melzig, Lindequist
Title: Biogene Arzneimittel 6. Auflage
Published: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Stuttgart, 2004

Author: Timokhina, S.A.
Title: Delphinium in Flora Siberia Vol. 6
Published: (113-124), Science Publisher Enfield., 2003

Author: Tserennyam, I.
Title: Mongol Ulsyn Zasag Zakhirgaany Khuvaar. Masshtab 1 : 4.200 00. [Administrative Division of Mongolia]
Published: Gazaryn Zurag KHKHK, Ulaanbaatar, 2007

Author: Tutin et al.
Title: Flora Europaea Vol. 3
Published:, 1972
Keywords: Flora, Ericales, Plumbaginales

Author: Tzvelev N. N. [& Sennikov A. N.: Hieracium, Pilosella]
Title: Rasteniya tsentral’noi Asii [Plantae Asiae centralis] 14b Compositae (Cichorioideae)
Published:, 2008

Author: Tzvelev N.N.
Title: Poaceae in
Published: Plants of Central Asia Plant collections from China and Mongolia. Vol. 4, Science Publisher Enfield. Reprint and unchanged English translation of Grubov,V.I. (ed.-in-chief) (1968). (315), 2000

Author: Undrakh, R., Wesche, K.
Title: The distribution of some rare plants in the Gobi-Altai. In Prirodnye Usloviya, Istoriya i Kultura Zapadnoy Mongolii i Sopredelnykh Regionov. Izd-vo Un-ta Tomsk Conference Proceedings, Khovd, September 18-22, 2003 135.
Published:, 2003

Author: Vlasova, N.VB.
Title: Frankeniaceae in Flora Siberia. Vol. 10, Science Publisher Enfield.
Published: (97-98), 2006

Author: Vlasova, N.VB.
Title: Malvaceae in Flora Siberia. Vol. 10, Science Publisher Enfield.
Published: (82-88), 2006

Author: Vlasova, N.VB.
Title: Tamaricaceae in Flora Siberia. Vol. 10, Science Publisher Enfield.
Published: (98-103), 2006

Author: W. Tang, G. Eisenbrand
Title: Chinese drugs of plant origin
Published: Springer Verlag , Berlin Heidelberg, 1992

Author: Wu Z. Y. & Raven P.H. (eds.)
Title: Flora of China. Vol. 1-24
Published: Science Press, Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing, China & St. Louis., USA, 1994-
Link to Homepage:

Author: Yang, H., Holmgren, N.H., & Mill, R.R.
Title: Pedicularis L.
Published: Flora of China. (eds Z. Wu & P.H. Raven), Vol. 18 (97–209) Science Press, Beijing, 1998

Author: Zhang Zhiyun & N. N. Tzvelev
Title: Orobanchaceae.
Published: Flora of China Vol. 18 (229-243) Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, 1998
Keywords: Orobanchaceae
Link to Homepage:

in Further Literature:

Title: Bibliograficheskiy ukazatel literatury po rezultatam issledovaniy Sovmestnoy Sovetsko-Mongolskoy Biologicheskoy Ekspeditsii Akademii Nauk SSSR i Akademii Nauk Mongolskoy Narodnoy Respubliki, 1970-1985 gg. [Bibliographic index on the results of studies of the Joint Soviet-Mongolian Complex Biological Expedition of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Mongolian People’s Republic, 1970-1985]
Abstract: Translation of Rasteniya Tsentralnoy Asii, Vyp. 1. Nauka, Leningrad, 1963
Published: Meteltseva EP,, Moskva, 1986
Keywords: Bibliography,Biological Sciences,Fauna,Flora,Vegetation,Wildlife,

Title: Biological diversity in Mongolia
Published: Fist National Report Batjargal Z,Enkhbat A,, Ulaanbaatar, 1998
Keywords: Biodiversity,Mongolia,Nature Conservation,Red Data Species,

Title: Die Mongoleisammlung im Herbarium der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. [The Mongolian Collection in the herbarium of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg]
Published: Erforschung Biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolischen Volksrepublik 4 ( p.152-164), 1984
Keywords: Herbarium Issues,Mongolian Collection,Vascular Plants,

Title: Dikorastushchie poleznye rasteniya flory Mongolskoi Narodnoi Respubliki. [Wild useful plants in the flora of the Mongolian People’s Republic]
Published: Lavrenko EM,, Leningrad, 1985
Keywords: Checklist,Flora,Mongolia,Plant Characteristics,Useful Plants,

Title: Ekosistemy Mongolii. Rasprostranenie i sovremennoe sostoyanie. [Ecosystems of Mongolia. Distribution and current distribution]
Published: Vostokova EA,Gunin PD,Rachkovskaya EI,, Moskva, 1995
Keywords: Degradation,Ecosystem,Mongolia,Vegetation,

Title: Endemismus in der Flora der Mongolei. [Endemism in the flora of Mongolia]
Published: Erforschung Biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolischen Volksrepublik 6 ( p.87-90), 1989
Keywords: Biogeography – Endemism,

Title: Fitoekologicheskie issledovaniya yuzhnoy Gobi. [Phytoecological investigations in the Southern Gobi]
Published: Biologicheskie resursy i prirodnye usloviya Mongolii Baytulin IO, 37, Almaty, 1993
Keywords: Root Data, Southern Gobi, Vegetation,

Title: Flora Altaya. [The flora of the Altai Mts.]
Abstract: in Russian
Published: Kamelin RV,, Barnaul, 2005
Keywords: Biogeography – Chorology,Equisetophyta,Flora,Lycopodiophyta,Mongolian Altai,Polypodiophyta,Russian Altai,Taxonomy & Systematics,

Title: Flora i rastitelnost Altaya. [Flora and vegetation of Altai]
Published: Shmakov AI,, Barnaul, 1996
Keywords: Biogeography – Chorology,Ferns,Flora,Floristic Findings,Nature Conservation,Russian Altai,Syntaxonomy,Taxonomy & Systematics,Vascular Plants,Vegetation,

Title: Geografiya i dinamika rastitelnogo i shivotnogo mira Mongolskoy Narodnoy Respubliki. [Geography and dynamics of vegetation cover and wildlife of the Mongolian People’s Republic]
Published: Biologicheskie Resursy I Prirodnye Usloviya Mongolskoy Narodnoy Respubliki Bannikova IA,Medvedev LN, 10, Moskau, 1978
Keywords: Algas, Khangay, Phenology, Red Data Species, Transaltai Gobi, Vegetation, Vegetation History

Title: Gornaya lesostep Vostochnogo Khangaya. [Mountainous forest steppe of the Eastern Khangay]
Published: Lavrenko EM,Bannikova IA,, Moskva, 1983
Keywords: Climate,Fauna,Khangay,Life Form,Forest,Productivity,Soil,Vegetation Classification,

Title: Lesa Mongolskoi Narodnoi Respubliki – Geografiya i tipologiya. [Forests of the Mongolian People’s Republik – Geography and typology]
Published: Zhukov AB,, Moskva, 1978
Keywords: Forest,Geology,Mongolia,Vegetation

Title: Lesa Mongolskoi Narodnoi Respubliki – Listvennye lesa Tsentralnogo Khangaya. [The forests of the Mongolian People’s Republic – Larch forests of the Central Khangay]
Published: Smagin VN,, Novosibirsk, 1983
Keywords: Khangay,Forest,

Title: Lesa Mongolskoi Narodnoi Respubliki – Listvennye Lesa Vostochnogo Khenteya. [The forests of the Mongolian People’s Republic – Larch forests of the Central of the Eastern Khentey]
Published: Isaev AS,, Moskva, 1988
Keywords: Khentey,Forest,

Title: Mongolskaya Narodnaya Respublika. Natsionalnyy atlas.
Published: Akademiya Nauk SSSR and Akademiya Nauk MNR (GUGK), Ulan Bator, Moscow, 1990
Keywords: Atlas of Mongolian Nature (Vegetation, Geology etc.)

Title: Plants of Central Asia, Vol. 1, Introduction, ferns, bibliography
Published: Grubov VI,, Enfield, Plymouth, 1999
Keywords: Bibliography,Central Asia,Ferns,Flora,Mongolia,Mongolia,Taxonomy & Systematics,

Title: Plants of Central Asia, Vol. 6, Equisetaceae – Butomaceae, bibliography (supplement 1)
Abstract: Translation of Rasteniya Tsentralnoy Asii, Vyp. 6. Nauka, Leningrad, 1963
Published: Grubov VI,Matzenko AE,Pachomova MG,, Enfield, Plymouth, 2002
Keywords: Bibliography,Central Asia,Flora,Mongolia,Taxonomy & Systematics,

Title: Pustyn Zaaltaiskoi Gobi – Kharakteristika rasteniy-dominantov. [The deserts of the Transaltay Gobi – Characterisation of dominant plants]
Published: Kamelin RV,, Leningrad, 1988
Keywords: Deserts, Gobi Desert, Mongolia, Productivity, Transaltay Gobi, Vegetation

Title: Pustyn Zaaltaiskoi Gobi – Prirodnye usloviya, ekosistemy i rayonirovanie. [The deserts of the Transaltay Gobi – Environmental conditions, ecosystems and classification]
Published: Sokolov VE,Gunin PD,, Leningrad, 1986
Keywords: Climate, Deserts, Ecosystem, Geomorphology, Gobi Desert, Productivity, Soil, Transaltay Gobi, Vegetation, Vegetation Classification

Title: Rastitelnyy i zhivotny mir Mongolii. [Plants and wildlife of Mongolia]
Published: Lavrenko EM,, Leningrad, 1977
Keywords: Artemisia spec., Biogeography, Desert Steppe, Deserts, Fauna, Flora, Khangay, Mongolia, Transaltay Gobi, Vegetation, Vegetation Classification, Wildlife

Title: Stepi Vostochnogo Khangaya. [Steppes of the Eastern Khangay]
Published: Lavrenko EM,Bannikov IM,, Moskva, 1986
Keywords: Khangay,Plant Characteristics,Soil,Steppe (Grassland),Vegetation,

Title: Struktura i dinamika osnovnykh ekosistem Mongolskoy Narodnoy Respubliki. [Patterns and dynamics of main ecosystems of Mongolia]
Published: Lavrenko EM,Rachkovskaya EI,, Leningrad, 1976
Keywords: Flora,Geology,Investigation History,Khan Khukhii Uul,Khangay,Lichens,Mongolia,Southern Mongolia,Vegetation,Western Mongolia,

Title: Systematische Übersicht der Gattung Artemisia L. in der Mongolischen Volksrepublik. – Subgenus Dracunculus (Bess.) Peterm. [Systematic overview of the genus Artemisia L. in the Mongolian People’s Republic. – Subgenus Dracunculus (Bess.) Peterm.]
Published: Erforschung Biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolischen Volksrepublik Vol. 6 (p. 91 – 96), 1989
Keywords: Artemisia spec.,Taxonomy & Systematics,

Title: Thesen botanische Beiträge der Tagung ‚Erforschung Biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolischen Volksrepublik‘ Halle (Saale) 29.08.-2.09.1983. [Theses of botanical contributions to the conference ‚Exploration of biological resources of the Mongolian People’s Republic‘ Halle (Saale) 1983/08/29-09/02]
Published: Schuh J,Schubert R,Stubbe M,Hilbig W,, 1983
Keywords: Biogeography – Endemism,Floristic Findings,Floristic Mapping,

Title: Vegetation dynamics of Mongolia
Published: Gunin PD,Vostokova EA,Dorofeyuk NI,Tarasov PE,Black CC,, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 1999
Keywords: Mongolia,Nature Conservation,Vegetation,Vegetation History,

Author: Jäger, E. J.
Title: Die Verbreitung von Frankenia in der Mongolei, in Westeurasien und im Weltmaßstab
Published: Flora, 186 (177-186), Jena, 1992

Author: A. P. Suchorukow (Sukhorukov)
Title: Atriplex nilotica SUKHOR. (sect. Teutliopsis, Chenopodiaceae) – eine neue Art für die ägyptische Flora
Published: Feddes Repertorium 121 (1-2, 32-37), Weinheim, 2010
Keywords: Chenopodiaceae, Atriplex

Author: A. P. Suchorukow (Sukhorukov)
Title: Einige neue und wenig bekannte Taxa aus der Familie Chenopodiaceae in Europa und im östlichen Mittelmeergebiet
Published: Feddes Repertorium 118 (3-4, 73-83), Weinheim, 2007
Keywords: Chenopodiaceae, Atriplex

Author: Aellen, P.
Title: Eurotia in Ergebnisse einer botanisch-zoologischen Sammelreise durch den Iran
Published: Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel 63,2: 264─272 (264─272), 1952

Author: Alexander P. Sukhorukov & Pertti Uotila
Title: Additions and corrections to the alien Chenopodiaceae flora of Finland and NW Russia
Published: Memoranda Soc. Fauna Flora Fennica 83 (53-58), 2007
Keywords: Chenopodiaceae, Atriplex, distribution
Link to Homepage:

Author: An RB, Sohn DH, Jeong GS, Kim YC
Remarks: doi: 10.1007/s12272-001-1198-1. Epub 2008 May 15.
Title: In vitro hepatoprotective compounds from Suaeda glauca
Published: Arch Pharm Res. May;31(5) (594-7), 2008
Keywords: medical plant, plant use
Link to Homepage:

Author: Bat, S., Otschirbat, G., Ligaa, U.
Title: Natürliche Vorkommen von Sanddorn in der Mongolischen Volksrepublik
Published: Gartenbau 35 ( p.85-86), 1988
Keywords: Biogeography – Chorology,Hippophae spec., Mongolia, Plant Characteristics

Author: Beket, U.
Title: The vegetation of the Mongolian Altai
Published: BfN-Skripte 257 ( p.-317), 2009
Keywords: Biogeography – Endemism,Checklist,Mongolian Altai,Plant Characteristics,Vegetation,

Author: Belenovskaya, L.M., Markova, L.P., Kapranova, G.I.
Title: Phenolic compounds of Artemisia xerophytica
Published: Chemistry of Natural Compounds (Historical Archive) 18 ( p.115-115), 1983
Keywords: Artemisia spec.,Plant Characteristics,Plant Compounds,

Author: Bespalova, Z.G.
Title: O tsvetenii zlakov sukhikh stepey Mongolii. [On the flower phenology of grasses in the dry steppes of Mongolia]
Published: Problema Osvoeniya Pustyn 1 ( p.?-?), 1978
Keywords: Mongolia, Phenology, Steppe (Grassland)

Author: Bespalova, Z.G.
Title: Osobennosti tsveteniya i plodonosheniya rasteniy sukhikh stepey Mongolii. [Pecularities of blooming and fruitage of dry steppe plants in Mongolia]
Published: Geografiya i dinamika rastitelnogo i shivotnogo mira Mongolskoy Narodnoy Respubliki ( p.47-51), Moskau, 1978
Keywords: Mongolia,Phenology,Plant Characteristics,Steppe (Grassland),

Author: BGBM
Title: Digital specimen images at the Herbarium Berolinense. []
Published:, 2005

Author: Bina Shaheen Siddiqui, Zhanat Zhymabekovna Karzhaubekova, Gauhar ShahmanovnaBurasheva, and Nurgyl Adaibaevna Sultanova
Remarks: Article first published online: 24 MAY 2006
Title: Triterpenoids from the Aerial Parts of Kalidium foliatum
Published: Helvetica Chimica Acta Vol. 89 Issue 5
Keywords: medical plant, plant use
Link to Homepage:

Author: Bobrov, E.G.
Title: Geraniaceae FL. USSR 14
Published: (3-59), 1986

Author: Bobrovskaya, N.I.
Title: O vodnom rezhime rasteniy pustyn Zaaltayskoy Gobi. [On the water regime of plants of the Transaltai Gobi]
Published: Problema Osvoeniya Pustyn 5 ( p.43-52), 1980
Keywords: Gobi Desert,Plant Characteristics,Transaltai Gobi,Water Balance,

Author: Bobrovskaya, N.I.
Title: Wasserhaushalt der Wüsten- und Wüstensteppenpflanzen in der Nord- und der Trans-Altai-Gobi
Published: Feddes Repertorium 96 ( p.425-432), 1985
Keywords: Gobi Desert,Plant Characteristics,Water Balance,

Author: Bobrovskaya, N.I., Nikulina, R.I.
Title: O raskhode vody stepnymi i pustynnymi soobshchestvami severnoy Gobi. [On the water consumption by steppe and desert plant communities in northern Gobi]
Published: Arid Ecosystems 10 ( p.84-89), 2004
Keywords: Deserts,Gobi Desert,Mongolia,Plant Characteristics,Plant Communities,Steppe (Grassland),Water Balance,

Author: Bobrovskaya, N.I., Popova, T.A.
Title: Sravnitelnaya ekofiziologicheskaya i biologo-morfologicheskaya kharakteristika Allium polyrrhizum Turcz., A. mongolicum Regel. [Comparable ecophysiological and biologically morphological characteristics of Allium polyrrhizum Turcz., A. mongolicum Regel]
Published: Problema Osvoeniya Pustyn 1 ( p.65-69), 1978
Keywords: Allium spec.,Ecophysiology,Morphology,Plant Characteristics,

Author: Brach, A. R. & H. Song.
Title: New directions for online floras exemplified by the Flora of China Project.
Published: Taxon 55(1) (188-192.), 2006
Keywords: bracketed keys, eFlora, Flora of China, floristics, online flora

Author: Bunge, A.A.
Title: Plantarum Mongolico-Chinensium, decas prima
Published: Uchenye Zapiskiy Kazanskogo Universiteta 2 ( p.154-180), 1835
Keywords: Investigation History,Mongolia,Taxonomy & Systematics,Vegetation,

Author: Burkart, M.
Title: Artemisia frigida Willd. in der nordwestlichen Mongolei: Merkmale und Standorte von drei unterschiedlichen Sippen
Published: Beiträge des 1.Symposiums der A.F.W.Schimper-Stiftung von H.und E.Walter Hohenheim, Oktober 1998, Breckle, S., Schweizer, B., Arndt, U. ( p.?-?), 2000
Keywords: Artemisia spec.,Habitat,Mongolia,Plant Characteristics,Uvs Nuur Basin,

Author: Buyan-Orshikh, K.
Title: Rastitelnost Kotloviny Bolshikh Ozer. [Vegetation of the Great Lake Basin]
Published: Prirodnye usloviya, rastitelnyy pokrov i zhivotnyy mir Mongolii, Gubanov, I.A., Dorofeyuk, N.I., Neronov, V.M. ( p.159-169), Pushchino, 1988
Keywords: Vegetation,Vegetation Classification,Western Mongolia,

Author: Cherepanov, S.K.
Remarks: Czerepanov, S.K.
Title: Sosudistye rasteniya Rossii i sopredelnykh gosudarstv. Mir I Semya-95 Sankt-Peterburg. Plantae vasculares Rossicae et Civitatum collimitanearum. [Die Gefäßpflanzen Russlands und benachbarter Staaten.]
Published:, Mir i Semya-95, St. -Peterburg, 1995

Author: Cogt, U.
Title: Bodenflechten der Mongolischen Volksrepublik
Published: Feddes Repertorium 90 ( p.421-440), 1979
Keywords: Checklist,Lichens,Mongolia,Taxonomy & Systematics,

Author: Cook C. D.K. Gut B.J., Rix E.M., Schneller J. & Seitz M.
Title: Water Plants of the World – A Manual for the identification of the genera of freshwater macrophytes
Published:, The Hague; Dr.W. Junk b.v., Publishers, 1974

Author: Cristina Inocencio,3 Diego Rivera,3 Ma Concepcio´n Obo´n,4 Francisco Alcaraz,3 and Jose-Antonio Barren˜a3 ABSTRACT
Title: Revision of Capparis Sect. Capparis
Abstract: Pdf im Netz: Unter Capparis sicula subsp. herbacea: MONGOLIA. Tian-Shan, Mongolia, Potanin s.n. (K); Eastern Mongolia, Gobi, Prezwalski s.n. (K).
Published: Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Volume 93, Number 1, 2006

Author: Dallwitz M.J., Paine T.A, & Zurcher E. J.
Title: Interactive Identification Using the Internet.
Published:, 2002 –
Keywords: Delta Int Key, Interactive Identification
Link to Homepage:

Author: Damdinsurengiin, O.
Title: Rastitelnost Aymaka Khovd. Klassifikatsiya, geografiya i kormovye ugodya. Diss. In-ta Biol. AN Mong., Khovdoskiy Filial MGU. [Vegetation of Khovd province. Classification, geography and fodder yields.] (in Mong.)
Published:, 1992

Author: Damiran, D.
Title: Palatability of Mongolian rangeland plants
Published: Circular of Information of the Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center 3, 2005
Keywords: Checklist,Palatability,Plant Characteristics,

Author: Dorofeyuk, N.I. & P.D. Gunin
Title: Bibliographical index on the results of studies of Joint Soviet-Mongolian Complex Biological Expedition of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the MPR (1967-1995). Bioinformservis Moscow.
Published:, 2000

Author: Dorofeyuk, N.I., Tsegtsegmaa, D.
Title: Konspekt flory vodorosley Mongolii. [Conspectus of the algal flora of Mongolia]
Published:, Moskva, 2002
Keywords: Algas,Bibliography,Biogeography – Chorology,Checklist,Taxonomy & Systematics,

Author: Du H, Wang Y, Hao X, Li C, Peng Y, Wang J, Liu H, Zhou L.
Title: Antimicrobial phenolic compounds from Anabasis aphylla L.
Published: Nat Prod Commun. Mar;4(3) (385-8), 2009
Keywords: medical plant, plant use
Link to Homepage:

Author: Dulamsuren Ch., Solongo B. & Mühlenberg M.
Title: Comments of the Red Data Book of Endangered Plant Species of Mongolia
Published: Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences 5(2) (43-48), 2005

Author: E. E. Shulˈts, Zh. Ganbaatar, T. N. Petrova, M. M. Shakirov, I. Yu. Bagryanskaya, V. V. Taraskin, L. D. Radnaeva, D. Otgonsuren, A. G. Pokrovskii, G. A. Tolstikov
Title: Plant coumarins. IX.* Phenolic compounds of Ferulopsis hystrix growing in Mongolia. Cytotoxic activity of 8,9-dihydrofurocoumarins
Published: Chemistry of Natural Compounds May 2012, Volume 48, Issue 2, pp 211-217
Keywords: medical plant, plant use
Link to Homepage:

Author: Ebel, A.L.
Title: Zametki po sistematike i geografii krestozvetnykh (Brassicaceae) flory Altaya. Turczaninowia 3(3) 18-43. [Notes on taxonomy and geography of Cruciferae of the Altai flora].
Published:, 2000

Author: Egorova TV,Geltman DV, Gubanov, I.A., et al.,
Title: On the paper by N. Turland and G. Davidse:
Keywords: Taxonomy & Systematics,

Author: Encyclopaedia Britannica I;
Title: Table 32: The Russian alphabet. In: Languages of the world
Published: Macropaedia – Knowledge in Depth. Vol. 22 of The New Encyclopaedia Britannica (681), 1997

Author: Fan P, Zhao L, Hostettmann K, Lou H.
Title: Chemical constituents of Asplenium ruta-muraria L
Published: Nat Prod Res. 2012;26(15):1413-8. doi: 10.1080/14786419.2011.599805. Epub 2011 Sep 19.
Keywords: medical plant, plant use
Link to Homepage:

Author: Friesen, N.
Title: Alliaceae from Siberia: taxonomy, cariology, chorology
Published: Nauka Sib. Otdel., Novosibirsk, 1988

Author: Friesen, N., Fritsch, R., Blattner, F.
Title: Phylogeny and new intrageneric classification of Allium L. (Alliaceae) based on nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS sequences
Published: Aliso 22 ( p.372-395), 2006
Keywords: Allium spec.,Taxonomy & Systematics,

Author: Fu, H.C., Chen, S. & Yu-chuan, M.
Title: Flora Intramongolica. Vol. 1-8, Huhot. (Second ed. Fu et al. 1977-1985).
Published:, 1989-1998

Author: Gelin Zhu, Mosyakin S.L.
Title: Chenopodiaceae
Published: in Zheng-Yi, Wu (co-chairs of the ed. committee). -Flora of China. Vol. 5: 351-414 (351-414), Beijing, St. Louis, 2003

Author: German, D.A.
Title: K rasprostraneniyu vidov roda Dontostemon Andrz. ex C.A.Mey. (Cruciferae) v Zapadnoy Mongolii. In Revushkin,A.S., Baasandorzh,Z., Zverev, A.A., Pyak, A.I., Terbish, Kh., Zedev, Kh.& Ebel, A.L. (Eds.) Prirodnye Usloviya, Istoriya i Kultura Zapadnoy Mongolii i Sopredelnykh Regionov. Tezisy dokladov VI. mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferenzii (18.-22.IX.2003, g. Khovd, Mongoliya), Tomsk 78-80. [About the distribution of species of genus Dontostemon Andrz. ex C.A.Mey. (Cruciferae) in Western Mongolia]
Published:, 2003

Author: German, D.A.
Title: K vidomu sostavu krestozvetnykh Mongolii. Turczaninowia 4(3) 42-46. [On the distribution of species of genus Dontostemon Andrz. ex C.A.Mey. (Cruciferae) in Western Mongolia].
Published:, 2001

Author: Gohar AA, Maatooq GT, Niwa M, Yoshiaki T.
Title: A new triterpene saponin from Chenopodium ficifolium
Published: Z Naturforsch C. Jul-Aug;57(7-8) (597-602), 2002
Keywords: medical plant, plant use
Link to Homepage:

Author: Golubkova, N.S.
Title: Konspekt flory lishaynikov Mongolskoi Narodnoi Respubliki. [Conspectus of the Lichen flora of the Mongolian People’s Republic]
Published:, Leningrad, 2001
Keywords: Checklist,Flora,Lichens,Mongolia,Taxonomy & Systematics,

Author: Grubov, V.I.
Title: Endemichnye vidy flory Mongolskoy Narodnoy Respubliki. [Endemic species in the flora of the Mongolian People’s Republic]
Published: Novosti sistematiki vysshikh rasteniy (p. 203-220), Leningrad, 1984
Keywords: Biogeography – Endemism,Checklist,Flora,Mongolia,

Author: Grubov, V.I.
Title: Flora and vegetation
Published: The physical geography of China ( p.265-365), New York, 1969
Keywords: Biogeography,China,Flora,Mongolia,Vegetation,

Author: Grubov, V.I., Yunatov, A.A.
Remarks: Erforschung biolog. Ressourcen der MVR, Bd.3, S. 33: „Als Hauptverdienst Junatovs muss die gemeinsam mit V.I. Grubov erarbeitete pflanzengeographische Gliederung der Mongolei hervorgehoben werden (GRUBOV u. JUNATOV 1952). Diese Gliederung stellt, von einigen Korrekturen abgesehen, die bis heute gültige Grundlage der floristisch-vegetationskundlichen Arbeiten in der Mongolei dar.“
Title: Osnovnye osobennosti flory Mongolskoy Narodnoy Respubliki v svyazi s eyo rayonirovaniem. [Main peculiarities of the flora the Mongolian People’s Republic in the framwork of its spatial classification]
Published: Botanicheskiy Zhurnal (p. 45-64), 1952
Keywords: Biogeography – Chorology,Mongolia,Flora,

Author: Gubanov, I.A., Hilbig, W.
Title: Entwicklung und Stand der Erforschung der Gefäßpflanzenflora der Mongolische Volksrepublik. [Development and state of exploration of the vacular plant flora of the Mongolian People’s Republic]
Published: Erforschung Biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolischen Volksrepublik, 7 (p. 127-146), 1989
Keywords: Flora,Investigation History,Vascular Plants,

Author: Gubanov, I.A., Kamelin, R.V.
Title: Ocherk istorii floristicheskikh issledovani Mongolskoy Narodnoy Respubliki. [Survey on the floristic investigation history of the Mongolian People’s Republik]
Published: Prirodnye usloviya, rastitelny pokrov i zhivotny mir Nauchnyi Tsentr Biologicheskikh Issledovani AN SSSR, Pushchino, 1988
Keywords: Investigation History,Mongolia,

Author: Gudrun Kadereit, Evgeny V. Mavrodiev , Elizabeth H. Zacharias, and Alexander P. Sukhorukov
Title: Molecular Phylogeny of Atripliceae (Chenopodioideae, Chenopodiaceae): Implications for Systematics, Biogeography, Flower and Fruit Evolution, and the Origin of C4 Photosynthesis
Published: American Journal of Botany 97(10) (1664-1687), 2010
Keywords: Atriplex, Cremnophyton, Exomis, Extriplex, Grayia, Halimione, Holmbergia, Microgynoecium, Stutzia

Author: Gunin, P.D., Slemnev, N.N.
Title: Geobotanical findings on the desiccation of arid landscapes of Central Asia
Published: Marburger Geographische Schriften 135 (p. 140-155), 2000
Keywords: Central Asia,Deserts,Mongolia,Plant Characteristics,Stipa spec.,

Author: Gunin, P.D., Slemnev, N.N., Tsoog, S.
Title: Seed regeneration of dominant plants in ecosystems of the desert zone of Mongolia. Dynamics of undergrowth population
Published: Botanicheskiy Zhurnal 88 ( p.1-17), 2003
Keywords: Deserts,Ecosystem,Mongolia,Plant Characteristics,

Author: Gunin, P.D., Vostokova, E.A.
Title: Karta ekosistem Mongolii 1:1000.000. [Maps of the ecosystems of Mongolia 1:1000.000], in 15 sheets
Published:, Ulaanbaatar, 1995
Keywords: Ecosystem,Map,Mongolia,

Author: H. Dalitz & J. Homeier
Title: Visual Plants – An image based tool for plant diversity research.
Abstract: There is an ongoing process to make biodiversity information available using computer programs as local as well as worldwide accessible Internet-based systems. The range of solutions reaches from information systems for herbaria, taxonomic diagnostic systems to more easy to use visual information systems. Visual Plants is one of the last category providing digitalized images from plants with all attached label information together with some characters for the identification of individual plants. Visual Plants is at first a specimen-based database with automatic function to compile the information as species-based. It can be used on-site without having an Internet connection for the education of students, for dissemination of information and for taxonomic and ecological research.
Published: lyonia – a journal of ecology and application 6(1) (47-59), December 2004
Keywords: visual plants, Imagen, digital, plants, ecology
Link to Homepage:

Author: Han LK, Nose R, Li W, Gong XJ, Zheng YN, Yoshikawa M, Koike K, Nikaido T, Okuda H, Kimura Y.
Title: Reduction of fat storage in mice fed a high-fat diet long term by treatment with saponins prepared from Kochia scoparia fruit
Published: Phytother Res. Oct;20(10) (877-82), 2006
Keywords: medical plant, plant use
Link to Homepage:

Author: Hanelt, P.
Title: Vorkommen und Vergesellschaftung von Nanophyton erinaceum (Pall.) Bjl. in der Mongolischen Volksrepublik
Published: Archiv für Naturschutz und Landschaftsforschung 10 ( p.19-40), 1970
Keywords: Nanophyton spec., Western Mongolia

Author: Hanelt, P., Davazhamts, T.
Title: Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Flora der Mongolischen Volksrepublik, insbesondere des Gobi-Altai-, des Transaltai- und des Alasan-Gobi-Bezirks
Published: Feddes Repertorium 70 ( p.7-68), 1965
Keywords: Alashan-Gobi,Flora,Gobi Altai,Transaltay Gobi,Vegetation,Western Mongolia,

Author: Heklau, H., Röser, M.
Title: Delineation, taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships of the genus Krascheninnikovia (Amaranthaceae subtribe Axyridinae)
Published: TAXON 57, 2 (563-576), 2008
Keywords: Krascheninnikovia spec.,Taxonomy & Systematics,Biogeography,

Author: Henk Beentje
Title: The Kew Plant Glossary: An Illustrated Dictionary of Plant Terms
Abstract: An essential companion, it presents 3,600 botanical terms, accompanied by full definitions and detailed illustrations to aid in identification, all laid out in a clear, easy-to-use fashion.
Published: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2010
Keywords: Glossary, Dictionary, Plant Terms
Link to Homepage:

Author: Hilbig, W.
Title: Der Beitrag deutscher Botaniker an der Erforschung von Flora und Vegetation in der Mongolei. [The contribution of German botanists to the exploration of the flora and vegetation of Mongolia]
Published: Feddes Repertorium 117 ( p.321-366), 2006
Keywords: Bibliography,Flora,Investigation History,Vegetation,

Author: Hilbig, W.
Title: Kommentierte Übersicht über die Pflanzengesellschaften und ihre höheren Syntaxa in der Mongolei
Published: Feddes Repertorium 111 (p.75-120), 2000
Keywords: Mongolia, Plant Communities, Syntaxonomy, Vegetation, Vegetation Classification

Author: Hilbig, W.
Title: Mongolia
Published: Biology and ecology of weeds (p.277-279) Holzner, W., Numata, M., The Hague, 1982
Keywords: Mongolia, Weeds

Author: Hilbig, W.
Title: Neu beschriebene Pflanzengesellschaften aus der Mongolischen Volksrepublik
Published: Feddes Repertorium 101 ( p.189-206), 1990
Keywords: Mongolia, Plant Communities, Syntaxonomy, Vegetation Classification

Author: Hilbig, W.
Title: The distribution of the vegetation in the Uvs-nuur basin and its sourrounding mountain ranges
Published: Feddes Repertorium 114 ( p.540-558), 2003
Keywords: Plant Communities, Syntaxonomy, Uvs Nuur Basin, Vegetation, Vegetation Classification, Western Mongolia,

Author: Hilbig, W.
Title: The Gobi and the Large Lake District
Published: Ecosystems of the world, Vol. 5: Temperate deserts and semi-deserts West NE, ( p.197-213), Amsterdam, Oxford, New York, 1983
Keywords: Deserts,Desert Steppe,Gobi Desert,Great Lake Basin,Mongolia,Semidesert,Vegetation,Western Mongolia,

Author: Hilbig, W.
Title: The vegetation of Mongolia
Published:, Amsterdam, 1995
Keywords: Mongolia, Plant Communities, Vegetation, Vegetation Classification

Author: Hilbig, W., Bumzhaa, D.
Title: Die Ackerunkrautvegetation der Mongolischen Volksrepublik
Published: Archiv für Naturschutz und Landschaftsforschung 25 ( p.19-32), 1985
Keywords: Mongolia, Ruderal Flora, Segetal Flora, Vegetation, Vegetation Classification, Weeds

Author: Hilbig, W., Bumzhaa, D.
Title: Die Ackerunkrautvegetation der Mongolischen Volksrepublik
Published: Archiv für Naturschutz und Landschaftsforschung 25 ( p.19-32), 1985
Keywords: Mongolia, Ruderal Flora, Segetal Flora, Vegetation, Vegetation Classification, Weeds

Author: Hilbig, W., Jäger, E.J., Knapp, H.-D.
Title: Die Vegetation des Bogd-uul bei Ulaanbaatar (Mongolei) – Standortsbindung und pflanzengeographische Stellung. (The vegetation of the Bogd-Uul Mt. near Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) – site requirement and biogeographical position]
Published: Feddes Repertorium 115 ( p.265-342), 2004
Keywords: Biogeography,Plant Communities,Syntaxonomy,Vegetation,Vegetation Classification,

Author: Hilbig, W., Knapp, H.-D.
Title: Vegetationsmosaik und Florenelemente an der Wald-Steppen-Grenze im Chentej-Gebirge (Mongolei)
Published: Flora 174 ( p.1-89), 1983
Keywords: Biogeography – Chorology,Flora,Khentey,Mountain Steppe,Steppe (Grassland),

Author: Hilbig, W., Korolyuk, A.
Title: Sanddünenvegetation im Uvs-nuur-Becken (Mongolei und Tuwa / Russische Förderation)
Published: Feddes Repertorium 111 ( p.29-37), 2000
Keywords: Sand Vegetation, Uvs Nuur Basin, Vegetation, Vegetation Classification, Western Mongolia

Author: Hilbig, W., Mirkin, B.M.
Title: Entwicklung und Stand der geobotanische Forschung in der Mongolischen Volksrepublik. [Development and state of the bigeographical investigation in the Mongolian People’s Republic]
Published: Erforschung Biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolischen Volksrepublik 3 ( p.33-46), 1983
Keywords: Biogeography,Flora,Investigation History,

Author: Hilbig, W., Schamsran, Z.
Title: Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Flora des westlichen Teiles der Mongolischen Volksrepublik speziell des Chovd Aimaks
Published: Archiv für Naturschutz und Landschaftsforschung 16 (p.141-162), 1976
Keywords: Biogeography – Chorology,Flora,Khovd,Mongolia,Western Mongolia,

Author: Hilbig, W., Schamsran, Z.
Title: Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Flora des westlichen Teiles der Mongolischen Volksrepublik speziell des Chovd Aimaks
Published: Archiv f�r Naturschutz und Landschaftsforschung 16 ( p.141-162), 1976
Keywords: Biogeography – Chorology,Flora,Khovd,Mongolia,Western Mongolia,

Author: Hilbig, W., Schamsran, Z.
Title: Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Vegetation im Chovd Aimak (Mongolische Volksrepublik)
Published: Archiv für Naturschutz und Landschaftsforschung 17 ( p.35-82), 1977
Keywords: Khovd,Mongolia,Vegetation,Vegetation Classification,Western Mongolia,

Author: Hilbig, W., Schamsran, Z.
Title: Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Vegetation im Chovd Aimak (Mongolische Volksrepublik)
Published: Archiv für Naturschutz und Landschaftsforschung 17 ( p.35-82), 1977
Keywords: Khovd,Mongolia,Vegetation,Vegetation Classification,Western Mongolia,

Author: Hilbig, W., Schamsran, Z.
Title: Dritter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Flora der Mongolischen Volksrepublik
Published: Feddes Repertorium 96 ( p.285-298), 1985
Keywords: Flora,Mongolia,Checklist,

Author: Hilbig, W., Schamsran, Z.
Title: Zweiter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Flora des westlichen Teiles der Mongolischen Volksrepublik
Published: Feddes Repertorium 91 ( p.25-44), 1980
Keywords: Flora,Khovd,Mongolia,Vegetation Classification,Western Mongolia,

Author: Hilbig, W., Schamsran, Z.
Title: Zwergbinsengesellschaften in der Mongolei
Published: Feddes Repertorium 92 ( p.557-561), 1981
Keywords: Khovd,Mongolia,Vegetation Classification,Western Mongolia,

Author: Hiroshi IKEDA and Hideaki OHBA
Published: Bulletin 39: THE HIMALAYAN PLANTS, Vol. 3 The University Museum The University of Tokyo Bulletin (p. 41) The University Museum The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, 1999
Keywords: Potentilla

Author: Huneck, S.
Title: 10000 Kilometer unterwegs im Herzen Asiens. Expeditionsberichte aus der Mongolei
Published: Weissdorn Verlag, Jena, 2010
Keywords: Mongolia, Travelogue, Field Trip, 1978, 1983, 1988
Link to Homepage:

Author: Inoue T, Mimaki Y, Sashida Y, Nishino A, Satomi Y, Nishino H.
Title: Steroidal glycosides from Allium macleanii and A. senescens, and their inhibitory activity on tumour promoter-induced phospholipid metabolism of HeLa cells.
Published: Phytochemistry Sep;40(2) (521-5.), 1995
Link to Homepage:

Author: Irfan Baig
Published: Higher Education Commission Pakistan
Keywords: ferula mongolica, mongolian medicinal plants, iris flavissima, glucosidase, sesquiterpenoid pyrano-benzophyran, sesquiterpenoid furo-benzopyrane, sesquiterpenoid furo-coumarin, sesquiterpenoid coumarin, sesquiterpenoid benzovl, sesquiterpene: guaiol
Link to Homepage:

Author: Istatkova R, Nikolaeva-Glomb L, Galabov A, Yadamsuren GO, Samdan J, Dangaa S, Philipov S.
Title: Chemical and antiviral study on alkaloids from Papaver pseudocanescens M. Pop.
Published: Z Naturforsch C. Jan-Feb;67(1-2) (22-8), 2012
Keywords: medical plants, plant use
Link to Homepage:

Author: J. Hartleib, M. Schnittler, S. Rilke, A. Zemmrich, B. Bobertz, U. Najmi, R. Zölitz & S. Starke
Title: An approach to the virtual flora of Mongolia – from a data repository to an expert system
Published: Erforsch. biol. Ress. Mongolei 12 (287-295), Halle/Saale, 2012
Keywords: WebGIS, biogeography, determination key, taxonomy, geobotanic, ecology

Author: Jakshina, A.M.
Title: K biologii Haloxylon ammodendron (C.A.M.) Bge. v pustynnoi stepi Mongolskoy Narodnoy Respubliki. [On the biology of Haloxylon ammodendron (C.A.M.) Bge. in the desert steppes of the Mongolian People’s Republic]
Published: Botanicheskiy Zhurnal 43 ( p.249-262), 1958
Keywords: Deserts,Desert Steppe,Growth Form,Haloxylon spec.,Mongolia,Plant Characteristics,Southern Mongolia,Steppe (Grassland),

Author: Jamsran Ts.
Remarks: [Mongolian/English]
Title: A Field Guide to the Trees and Shrubs of Monglia
Published:, Ulaanbaatar, 2012
Keywords: Illustrated Book, Mongolia, Plant Characteristics

Author: Jäger, E.J.
Title: Die Verbreitung von Frankenia in der Mongolei, in Westeurasien und im Weltmaßstab
Published: Flora 186 ( p.177-186), 1992
Keywords: Biogeography – Chorology,Frankenia spec.,Mongolia,Plant Characteristics,

Author: Jäger, Eckehart J. et al.
Remarks: ISBN 978-3-8274-1606-3
Title: Exkursionsflora von Deutschland, Gefäßpflanzen: Grundband 20. Auflage
Published: Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2011
Keywords: Rothmaler

Author: K. A. Kron W. S. Judd, P. F. Stevens, D. M. Crayn, A. A. Anderberg, P. A. Gadek, C. J. Quinn & J. L. Luteyn
Title: A phylogenetic classification of Ericaceae: Molecular and morphological evidence
Published: Botanical Review 68 ( 335-423), 2002

Author: Kamelin, R.V.
Title: Flora Altaica. T. 1. Azbuka Barnaul.
Published:, 2005

Author: Kamelin, R.V.
Title: Materialy po istorii flory Azii (Altayskaya gornaya strana). [Materials on the history of the flora of Asia (Altai Mountainous Country)]
Published:, Barnaul, 1998
Keywords: Flora,Mongolian Altai,Russian Altai,Vegetation,

Author: Kamelin, R.V., Gubanov, I.A.
Title: Flora Mongolii i eyo analiz. [The flora of Mongolia and its analysis]
Published: Zhurnal Obshchey Biologii 54 ( p.59-91), 1993
Keywords: Biogeography,Flora,Mongolia,

Author: Karamysheva, Z.V., Khramtsov, V.N.
Title: The steppes of Mongolia
Published: Braun-Blanquetia 17 ( p.1-79), 1995
Keywords: Biogeography,Mongolia,Steppe (Grassland),Vegetation,Vegetation Classification,

Author: Karczmarz, K., Swies, F.
Title: Beitrag zur Bruyoflora der Mongolei
Published: Feddes Repertorium 92 ( p.695-711), 1981
Keywords: Flora,Mongolia,Mosses,

Author: Katarina UNGETHÜM, Uwe BRAUN & Martin RÖSER
Title: Databasing of the herbarium of Mongolian plants at Herbarium Universitatis Halensis (HAL)
Abstract: History and backgrounds of the herbarium of Mongolian plants deposited at HAL, one of the largest suchlike collections outside of Mongolia, is briefly outlined. A currently running project dealing with databasing of Mongolian herbarium collections preserved at HAL, granted by the German Research Foundation (DFG), is curtly introduced.
Published: Schlechtendalia 27, 2013
Keywords: Database, Mongolia, Pteridophyta, Spermatophyta.
Link to Homepage:

Author: Kharkevich, S.S. (ed.-in-chief)
Title: Vascular plants of the Russian Far East. Vol.1, Science Publisher Enfield.
Published:, 2003

Author: Khaydav, T., Altanchimeg, B., Barlamova, T.S.
Title: Lekarstvennye rasteniya v Mongolskoy meditsine. [Medical plants in the Mongolian medicine]
Published:, Ulaanbaatar, 1985
Keywords: Checklist,Medical Plants,Mongolia,Plant Characteristics,

Author: Kim GS, Kim HT, Seong JD, Oh SR, Lee CO, Bang JK, Seong NS, Song KS.
Title: Cytotoxic steroidal saponins from the rhizomes of Asparagus oligoclonos.
Published: J Nat Prod. 2005 May;68(5):766-8.
Keywords: medical plant, plant use
Link to Homepage:

Author: Knapp, H.-D.
Title: Camptosorus sibiricus (L.) Rupp. (Aspleniaceae) – Relikt einer nordmongolischen Laubwaldzone?
Published: Flora 183 ( p.379-396), 1989
Keywords: Biogeography,Forest,Mongolia,

Author: Knapp, H.-D., Sanchir, R.
Title: Pflanzengeographische Auswertung floristischer Beobachtungen in der Mongolei
Published: Folia Geobotanica & Phytotaxonomica 21 ( p.287-324), 1986
Keywords: Biogeography,Checklist,Mongolia,Biogeography – Chorology,Vegetation Zones,

Author: Komarov, V.L.
Title: Flora of the USSR. Vol. 1-30, Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh Dehra Dun, India, Gantner Ruggell. Reprint and unchanged English translation of Komarov (1934-1963)
Published:, 1984-2006

Author: Komarov, V.L.
Title: Flora SSSR. T. 1-30, Botanicheskiy Institut Leningrad Leningrad. [Flora of the USSR.]
Published:, 1934-1963

Author: Komarov, V.L.
Title: Vvedenie k floram Kitaya i Mongolii. [Prolegomena ad floras Chinae nec non Mongoliae. Introduction to the flora of China and Mongolia]
Published:, Moskva, Leningrad, 1947
Keywords: Bibliography,Biogeography – Chorology,Flora,Herbarium Issues,Investigation History,Synonymity,Taxonomy & Systematics,China,

Author: L. I. Malyschev & G. A. Peschkova
Title: Cyperaceae
Published: In Krasnoborov I.M.: Flora Siberia. Vol. 3 Science Publishers, Inc.,, Enfield, 2001

Author: Lavoie, C.
Title: Biological collections in an ever changing world: Herbaria as tools for biogeographical and environmental studies
Abstract: Plant specimens stored in herbaria are being used as never before to document the impacts of global change on humans and nature. However, published statistics on the use of biological collections are rare, and ecologists lack quantitative data demonstrating the relevance to science of herbarium specimens. I found 382 studies with original data that used herbarium specimens to document biogeographical patterns or environmental changes.
Published: Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics Vol. 15, Issue 1 (68-76), 2013
Keywords: Biological invasion; Climate change; Collection computerization; Herbarium specimen; Molecular analysis; Museum; Pathogen; Pollution
Link to Homepage:

Author: Lavrenko, E.M.
Title: O mozaichnost stepnykh rastitelnykh assoziatsii, avyazannoy s rabotoi vetra i zhisnedeyatelnostyu karagan. [On the mosaic distribution of the steppe plant associations, depending on the role of the wind and the lif e activity of the shrubs of species Caragana]
Published: Voprosy Geografii 24 (f.1,2) ( p.192-204), 1951
Keywords: Caragana spec.,Plant Characteristics,Steppe (Grassland),Vegetation Classification,

Author: Lavrenko, E.M.
Title: Stepi Evrazii. [The steppes of Eurasia]
Published:, Leningrad, 1991
Keywords: Biogeography,Flora,Steppe (Grassland),Plant Characteristics,Vegetation,

Author: Lavrenko, E.M., Karamysheva, Z.V.
Title: Steppes of the former Soviet Union and Mongolia
Published: Ecosystems of the world, Vol.8b: Natural grasslands, eastern hemisphere and resum� Coupland RT, ( p.3-59), Amsterdam, London, New York, Tokyo, 1993
Keywords: Biogeography,Ecosystem,Steppe (Grassland),Mongolia,Soviet Union,Vegetation,

Author: Li N, Li X, Zhang Y, Wang T, Xiao W.
Title: Free radical scavengers, antioxidants and aldose reductase inhibitors from Camptosorus sibiricus Rupr.
Published: Z Naturforsch C. 2008 Jan-Feb;63(1-2):66-8.
Link to Homepage:

Author: Li N, Xiao W, Hou B, Li X
Title: New triterpene glycosides from Camptosorus sibiricus.
Published: Nat Prod Commun. 2010 Oct;5(10):1557-60.
Keywords: medical plant, plant use
Link to Homepage:

Author: Li TAN, Bin WANG, Yu Ying ZHAO*
Title: A Lignan Glucoside from Bupleurum scorzonerifolium
Published: Chinese Chemical Letters Vol. 15, No. 9, pp 1053-1056, 2004
Keywords: Bupleurum scorzonerifolium, Umbelliferae, lignanoside, saikolignanoside A.
Link to Homepage:

Author: Lichtenegger E,Kutschera L,Sobotnik M,Haas D,
Title: Die Bewurzelung von Pflanzen in der Mongolei
Published: Bewurzelung von Pflanzen in verschiedenen Lebensr�umen. Spezieller Teil. Wurzelatlas-Reihe Bd. 5, Stapfia 49 Kutschera L,Sobotnik M,Lichtenegger E, ( p.296-318), Linz, 1997
Keywords: Growth Form,Mongolia,Plant Characteristics,Root Data,

Author: Lomonosova M.N. Krasnoborov, I.M. (series ed.)
Remarks: translated edition: 2003
Title: Chenopodiaceae
Published: Flora Siberia Vol. 5 (132-180), Publisher: Enfield., 1992/2003

Author: M. Schnittler, J. Hartleib, U. Najmi, S. Rilke, A. Zemmrich & R. Zölitz
Title: An Approach to the Virtual Flora of Mongolia – from a data repository to an expert system
Published: Biodiversity Research in Mongolia; MARCH 25-29, 2012. Exploration into the Biological Resources of Mongolia – Book of Abstracts (36-37), Halle/Saale, 2012

Author: M.Urgamal, B.Oyuntsetseg, D.Nyambayar, C.Dulamsuren
Title: Conspectus of the Vascular Plants of Mongolia
Abstract: An annotated checklist of vascular plant species for Mongolia is present. At present, 3127 species and subspecies of vascular plants, distributing over 683 genera, 112 families and 39 orders are recorded from Mongolia. Since Gubanov’s conspectus (1996) published, 1 family, 20 genera and 412 species and subspecies have been added to the flora, about 480 new nomenclatural combinations on species and 62 on genus level have been made and more than 2700 new occurrences for about 1200 species have been found. A total 153 species (4.89%of total vascular flora) are endemic to Mongolia (added 11 species), further 458 species (14.64%) are subendemic to Mongolia. The information on the Mongolian vascular plant species regionalized be presenting the records separately for 16 phytogeographical regions, which introduced in earlier published works by V.I.Grubov (1982) and I.A.Gubanov (1996).
Published: Mongolian Academy of Sciences Institute of Botany, 2014
Keywords: checklist, flora, plants of mongolia

Author: Magnusson, A.H.
Title: Lichenes from Central Asia
Published: Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the Leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin -The Sino-Swedish Expedition- Publication 22, XI. Botany 2, Stockholm, 1944
Keywords: Central Asia,Checklist,China,Investigation History,Lichens,Taxonomy & Systematics,

Author: Malyshev, L.I.
Title: Floristic division on the quantitative basis Baikalian Sibiria, Tuva and Outer Mongolia. Flora 195 330-338.
Published:, 2000

Author: Malyshev, L.I.
Title: Floristic division on the quantitative basis: Baikalian Sibiria, Tuva and Outer Mongolia
Published: Flora 195 ( p.330-338), 2000
Keywords: Baikal,Biogeography,Biogeography – Chorology,Flora,Floristic Classification,Floristic Mapping,Mongolia,Tuva,

Author: Malyshev, L.I.
Title: Vysokogornaya flora Vostochnogo Sayana. [High mountain flora of the Eastern Sajan]
Published:, Moskva, Leningrad, 1965
Keywords: Biogeography,Biogeography – Chorology,Flora,Habitat,Medical Plants,Russian Sajan,Plant Characteristics,Checklist,Taxonomy & Systematics,Vascular Plants,Vegetation,Vegetation History,

Author: Mao, Z.-M. & Zheng-yi, W.
Title: Flora Xingjiang. Xingjiang Science Wulumuqi.
Published:, 1994

Author: Meteltseva, E.P.
Title: Bibliograficheskiy ukazatel literatury po rezultatam issledovaniy sovmestnoy Sovetsko-Mongolskoy kompleksnoy biologicheskoy ekspeditsii AN SSSR i AN MNR 1970–1985 gg. Izdat-vo AN SSSR Moskva. [Bibliographical index on the results of studies of Joint Soviet-Mongolian Complex Biological Expedition of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the MPR between 1970 and 1985.]
Published:, 1986

Author: Miftakhova AF, Burasheva GS, Abilov ZA, Ahmad VU, Zahid M.
Title: Coumarins from the aerial part of Halocnemum strobilaceum
Published: Fitoterapia Mar;72(3) (319-21), 2001
Keywords: medical plant, plant use

Author: Miroshnichenko, Y.M.
Title: O rasprostranenii Artemisia frigida Willd. v Mongolskoy Narodnoy Respublike. [On the distribution of Artemisia frigida Willd. in the Mongolian People’s Republic]
Published: Botanicheskiy Zhurnal 50:03:00 ( p.420-425), 1965
Keywords: Artemisia spec.,Mongolia,Biogeography – Chorology,

Author: Nedialkov PT, Kokanova-Nedialkova Z, Bücherl D, Momekov G, Heilmann J, Nikolov S.
Title: 30-normedicagenic acid glycosides from Chenopodium foliosum
Published: Nat Prod Commun. Nov;7(11) (1419-22), 2012
Keywords: medical plant, plant use

Author: Nyambayar D.
Remarks: see Hauck & Solongo
Title: Mongolin Urgamlin Ajmag (Flora of Mongolia, Flora Mongolii) Vol 17: Cyperaceae
Published:, Ulaanbaatar, 2009

Author: Nyambayar D., Oyuntsetseg B. & Tungalag R. (Compilers); Jamsran Ts., Sanchir Ch., Bachmann S., Soninkhishig N., Gombobaatar S., Baillie J.E.M. & Tsendeekhuu Ts. (editors)
Title: Mongolian Red List and Conservation Actions Plans of PLANTS (Part 1)
Published: National University of Mongolia and Zoological Society of London, 2011
Keywords: Regional Red List, Mongolia, threats

Author: Ogureeva, G.N.
Title: Botanicheskaya geografiya Altaya. [The biogeography of the Altai Mts.]
Published:, Moskva, 1980
Keywords: Biogeography,Biogeography – Chorology,Mongolian Altai,Russian Altai,Vegetation,

Author: OroWiki contributors
Title: Welcome to the Project OroWiki.
Abstract: This project deals with the earlier family Orobanchaceae, except Lathraea, and follows the modern system of Teryokhin et al., 1993, which combines the remaining holoparasitic 14 genera Aeginetia, Boschniakia, Christisonia, Cistanche, Conopholis, Diphelypaea, Epifagus, Eremitilla, Gleadovia, Mannagettaea, Orobanche, Phacellanthus, Phelipanche and Platypholis in the subfamily Orobanchoideae (Vent.) Teryokhin. This subfamily comprises approx. 290 species of exclusive holoparasitic, nonchlorophyllous plants. OroWiki
Keywords: Taxonomy, Orobanchoideae, Orobanchaceae
Link to Homepage:

Author: Ou WC, Chen HF, Zhong Y, Liu BR, Liu SM, Chen KJ
Title: Inhibition of platelet activation and aggregation by furostanol saponins isolated from the bulbs of Allium macrostemon Bunge.
Published: Am J Med Sci. 2012 Oct;344(4):261-7.
Link to Homepage:

Author: Pavlov, D.S., Shagdarsuren, O., Kamelin, R.V., Ulziikhutag, N.
Title: 35 years of the activity of the joint Russian-Mongolian complex biological expedition of the Russian Academy of Science and the Mongolian Academy of Science
Published: Arid Ecosystems 10 ( p.13-16), 2004
Keywords: Investigation History,

Author: Pavlov, N.V.
Title: Flora Kazachstana. T. 1-9, Izdat-vo AN Kazachskoy SSR Alma Ata.
Published:, 1956-1966

Author: Pfadenhauer J,
Title: Anmerkungen zur Vegetation des russischen Altai
Published: Berichte der Reinhold-T�xen-Gesellschaft 21 ( p.211-225), 2009
Keywords: Flora,Russian Altai,Vegetation,

Author: Pfadenhauer, J.
Title: Anmerkungen zur Vegetation des russischen Altai
Published: Berichte der Reinhold-Tüxen-Gesellschaft 21 ( p.211-225), 2009
Keywords: Flora,Russian Altai,Vegetation,

Author: Pistrick K,Sanchir C,Cerenbalzhid G,
Title: Bericht über eine Sammelreise in die Mongolische Volksrepublik 1987 (Allium L. in der östlichen Mongolei). [Report on a collecting journey in the Mongolian People’s Republic 1987 (Allium L. in Eastern Mongolia)]
Published: Kulturpflanze 36 ( p.529-548), 1988
Keywords: Allium spec.,Taxonomy & Systematics,Biogeography – Chorology,

Author: Poland, J. & Clement, E. J.
Title: The Vegetative Key to the British Flora – A new approach to naming the British vascular plants based on vegetative characters
Published: J. Poland in association with the Botanical Society of the British Isles, Southampton, 2009
Keywords: key, vegetative characters, Great Britain, identification, vascular plants

Author: Popova, T.A.
Title: O biologii plotnodernovinnykh lukov (Allium polyrrhizum Turz., A. bidentatum Fisch.) Mongolii. [On the biology of the caespitose onion (Allium polyrrhizum Turz., A. bidentatum Fisch.) in Mongolia]
Published: Problemy ekologii, geobotaniki, botanicheskoy geografii i floristiki Lebedev DV,Karamysheva ZV, ( p.165-172), Leningrad, 1977
Keywords: Allium spec.,Growth Form,Mongolia,Plant Characteristics,

Author: Prentice, H.C.
Title: A study in endemism: Silene diclinis
Published: Biol. Conservation 10 ( p.15-30), 1976
Keywords: Biogeography – Endemism,Classification,Taxonomy & Systematics,

Author: Prentice, H.C.
Title: A study in endemism: Silene diclinis
Published: Biol. Conservation 10 ( p.15-30), 1976
Keywords: Biogeography – Endemism,Classification,Taxonomy & Systematics,

Author: Proksa, B.; Uhrín, D.; Narantuyaa, S.; Batsuren, D.
Remarks: ISSN 0031-7144 Record Number 19910303533
Title: Cleomiscosins B and D, new coumarino-lignoids from Salsola laricifolia
Published: Pharmazie Vol. 45 No. 10 (804), 1990
Keywords: medical plant, plant use
Link to Homepage:

Author: R. Hand, N. Kilian, E. von Raab-Straube (general editors)
Title: Cichorieae Portal
Abstract: The Cichorieae Portal is being established as a convenient access to the existing knowledge about this difficult group of plants, based on authoritative taxonomic information. It is designed to serve both the specialist and the occasional visitor: providing a geographically referenced species inventory of the entire group with identification tools (interactive keys), offering species pages with descriptions, images, distributional, ecological and other data, facilitating cooperation among workers (professionals as well as amateurs) of the group, undelayed integration of new data and research results, aiming at an encyclopedic knowledge base of the whole group.
Published: online
Keywords: Cichorieae, Taxonomy
Link to Homepage:

Author: Rachkovskaya, E.I.
Title: Rastitelnost Gobiyskikh Pustyn Mongolii. [The vegetation of the Gobi Desert of Mongolia]
Published: Biologicheskie Resursy I Prirodnye Usloviya Mongolskoy Narodnoy Respubliki 36, Sankt-Peterburg, 1993
Keywords: Biogeography,Flora,Gobi Desert,Vegetation,Vegetation Classification,

Author: Rachkovskaya, E.I., Sanchir, C.
Title: Flora Zaaltayskoy Gobi. [The flora of the Transaltai Gobi]
Published: Kompleksnaya kharakteristika pustynnykh ekosistem Zaaltayskoy Gobi. [Complex characterisation of desert ecosystems of the Transaltai Gobi] Sokolov VE, ( p.26-28,-92-104), Pushchino, 1983
Keywords: Deserts,Ecosystem,Flora,Gobi Desert,Mongolia,Zaaltay Gobi,

Author: Rechinger, K.H., Schiman-Czeika, H.
Title: Polygonaceae
Published: Flora Iranica : Flora des iranischen Hochlandes und der umrahmenden Gebirge, Persien, Afghanistan, Teile von West-Pakistan, Nord-Iraq, Azerbaidjan, Turkmenistan Rechinger KH,Schiman-Czeika H, 56, Graz, 1968
Keywords: Atraphaxis spec.,Taxonomy & Systematics,Calligonum spec.,Flora,Polygonaceae,Polygonum,Central Asia,

Author: Reshchikov, M.A.
Title: Novye nakhodki kovyley v zabaykale. [New findings of Stipa spec. in the Transbaikal region]
Published: Botanicheskiy Zhurnal 37(6) ( p.?-?), 1952
Keywords: Baikal,Floristic Findings,Mongolia,Stipa spec.,

Author: Reshchikov, M.A.
Title: Novye nakhodki kovyley v zabaykale. [New findings of Stipa spec. in the Transbaikal region]
Published: Botanicheskiy Zhurnal 37(6) ( p.?-?), 1952
Keywords: Baikal,Floristic Findings,Mongolia,Stipa spec.,

Author: Revushkin, A.S.
Title: Vyskogornaya flora Altaya. [High mountain flora of the Altai]
Abstract: in Russian
Published:, Tomsk, 1988
Keywords: Flora,Habitat,Russian Altai,Checklist,Taxonomy & Systematics,

Author: Revushkin, A.S., Rudaya, N.A., Smorgov, A.E., Ebel, A.L. & Shchegoleva, N.V.
Title: Floristicheskie nachodki v Zapadnoy Mongolii. Botanicheskiy Zhurnal 5 86 142-151. [Floristic findings in Western Mongolia.]
Published:, 2001

Author: Sa, R., Su, D. Debreczy, Z.
Title: Taxonomic notes on the Hedysarum gmelinii complex (Fabaceae)
Published: Ann. Bot. Fennici 47, 2010

Author: Sanchir, C.
Title: A revision of the genus Allium L. in the flora of Mongolian People’s Republic
Published: Proc Int Symp Gatersleben, Germany, 1991, June, 11-13 (289-296), 1992

Author: Sanchir, C.
Title: Rod Caragana LAM. Sistema, Filogeniya, Karagany v Mongolskoy Narodnoy Respublike. [The genus Caragana LAM. Systematics, phylogeny, Caragana in the Mongolian People’s Republic]
Published:, Tashkent, 1974
Keywords: Biogeography,Caragana spec.,Mongolia,Phylogeny,Taxonomy & Systematics,

Author: Sanchir, C., Pistrick, K., Hanelt, P.
Title: Zur Nutzung von Allium-Wildarten der mongolischen Flora
Published: Kulturpflanze 37 ( p.133-143), 1989
Keywords: Allium spec.,Flora,Mongolia,Useful Plants,

Author: Sanzhid, Z.
Title: O sostave zhiznennykh form rasteniy v zonalnykh tipakh pustyn. [On the life form composition of zonal desert types]
Published: Problema Osvoeniya Pustyn 2 ( p.84-88), 1980
Keywords: Deserts,Gobi Desert,Life Form,Mongolia,Plant Characteristics,

Author: Schubert, R., Koperski, M.
Title: Beitrag zur Moosflora der Mongolischen Volksrepublik
Published: Feddes Repertorium 88 ( p.81-102), 1977
Keywords: Mongolia,Mosses,Checklist,Vegetation,Western Mongolia,

Author: Schubert, R., Schamsran, Z.
Title: Beitrag zur Flechtenflora der Umgebung von Ulan-Bator (Mongolische Volksrepublik)
Published: Feddes Repertorium 79 ( p.399-408), 1969
Keywords: Lichens,Mongolia,Checklist,Vegetation,

Author: Sdobnina LI, Pimenov MG
Title: [Structure of the underground organs of Libanotis condensata (L.) Crantz and the localization and accumulation of coumarins in them].
Published: Farmatsiia. 1973 Mar-Apr;22(2):31-6.
Keywords: medical plant, plant use
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Author: Sheremetev, S.N., Zhargalsaikhan, L.
Title: Ekologiya vodogo rezhima stepnykh rastenii Mongolskoi Narodno Respubliki. [The ecology of the water regime of steppe plants in the Mongolian People’s Republic]
Published:, Leningrad, 1990
Keywords: Mongolia, Plant Characteristics, Steppe (Grassland), Water Balance

Author: Shi J, Fu Q, Chen W, Yang HP, Liu J, Wang XM, He X.
Title: Comparative study of pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of osthole in rats after oral administration of pure osthole and Libanotis buchtormensis supercritical extract.
Published: J Ethnopharmacol. 2013 Jan 9;145(1):25-31. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2012.10.028. Epub 2012 Nov 6
Keywords: medical plant, plant use
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Author: Shi J, Li G, Wang H, Zheng J, Suo Y, You J, Liu Y
Title: One-step separation of three flavonoids from Poacynum hendersonii by high-speed counter-current chromatography.
Published: Phytochem Anal. 2011 Sep-Oct;22(5):450-4. doi: 10.1002/pca.1301. Epub 2011 Apr 4.
Keywords: medical plant, plant use
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Author: Slemnev, N.N.
Title: Photosynthetic characteristics of Mongolian plants: evolutionary, ecological, and phytocoenological aspects
Published: Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 43 ( p.366-382), 1996
Keywords: Evolution,Mongolia,Plant Characteristics,

Author: Slemnev, N.N., Gunin, P.D.
Title: Funktsionirovanie pustynnykh ekosistem Gobi v Mongolii. [Ecosystem function of the Gobi deserts in Mongolia]
Published: Rastitelnye Resursy 36 ( p.24-43), 2000
Keywords: Deserts,Ecosystem,Gobi Desert,Vegetation,

Author: Solovjev, A.A.
Title: A new species of the genus Aconitum L. (Ranunculaceae) from Mongolia
Published: Turczaninowia 1(2) (5-8), 1998

Author: Suchorukow, A.P.
Title: Karpologische Untersuchungen der Axyris-Arten (Chenopodiaceae) im Zusammenhang mit ihrer Diagnostik und Taxonomie.
Published: (168–176), Feddes Repert. 116: 3–4 , 2005

Author: Sukhorukov, A. P.
Title: Fruit anatomy and its taxonomic significance in Corispermum (Corispermoideae, Chenopodiaceae)
Published: Willdenowia 37 (63-87.) BGBM, Berlin-Dahlem, 2007
Keywords: Corispermum (Corispermoideae, Chenopodiaceae), fruit anatomy
Link to Homepage:

Author: Tiengo A, Motta EM, Netto FM
Title: Chemical composition and bile acid binding activity of products obtained from amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus) seeds.
Published: Plant Foods Hum Nutr. 2011 Nov;66(4):370-5. doi: 10.1007/s11130-011-0253-1.
Link to Homepage:

Author: Ulziikhutag, N., Pavlov, D.S., Shagdarsuren, O., Kamelin, R.V.
Title: Stages of development, main results, and perspectives of the joint Russian-Mongolian complex biological expedition RAS and MAS
Published: Ecosystems of Mongolia and frontier areas of adjacent countries: natural resources, biodiversity and ecological prospects. Proceedings of the international conference, Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia), September 5-9, 2005 Dorjsuren C,Dorofeyuk NI,Gunin PD,Drobyshev Y,Bazha SN,Vasilieva LF, ( p.462-471), Ulaanbaatar, 2005
Keywords: Biodiversity,Ecosystem,Fauna,Flora,Investigation History,Mongolia,Vegetation,

Author: UNGEGN (United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names);
Title: Report on the current status of United Nations romanization systems for geographical names. Compiled by UNGEGN Working Group on Romanization Systems. Version 2.2, January 2003. Published on the Internet [accessed 2008, January]
Published:, 2003
Link to Homepage:

Author: Urgamal M.
Title: Mongolin Urgamlin Ajmag (Flora of Mongolia, Flora Mongolii), Vol. 10: Apiaceae, Cornaceae
Published:, Ulaanbaatar, 2009

Author: Van Staalduinen, M.A.
Title: Differences in the compensatory growth of two co-occurring grass species in relation to water availability
Published: Oecologia 146 ( p.190-199), 2005
Keywords: Compensatory Growth,Leymus spec.,Mongolia,Plant Characteristics,Stipa spec.,

Author: Vezda, A.
Title: Flechten aus der NW-Mongolei
Published: Acta Mus.Silesiae (A) 14 ( p.187-190), 1965
Keywords: Checklist,Lichens,Western Mongolia,

Author: Vezda, A.
Title: Flechten aus der NW-Mongolei
Published: Acta Mus.Silesiae (A) 14 ( p.187-190), 1965
Keywords: Checklist,Lichens,Western Mongolia,

Author: Vincieri FF, Coran SA, Bambagiotti A M.
Title: Composition of the Oenanthe aquatica essential oil.
Published: Planta Med. 1976 Mar;29(2):101-12.
Keywords: medical plant, plant use
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Author: Volkova, E.A.
Title: Botanicheskaya geografiya Mongolskogo i Gobiyskogo Altaya. [The biogeography of the Mongolian Altai and the Gobi Altai]
Published:, St. Peterburg, 1994
Keywords: Biogeography,Flora,Gobi Desert,Gobi Altai,Mongolian Altai,Vegetation,

Author: Volkova, E.A.
Title: Rastitelnost vysokogoriy Mongolii. [The vegetation of the high mountains of Mongolia]
Published: Botanicheskiy Zhurnal 77 ( p.24-38), 1992
Keywords: High Mountains,Mongolia,Vegetation,Western Mongolia,

Author: Vostokova, E.A., Kazantseva, T.I.
Title: Rasprostranenie, ekologiya i produktivnost soobshchestv Achnatherum splendes (Trin.) Nevski v Mongolii. [Distribution, ecology and productivity of Achnatherum splendes (Trin.) Nevski communities in Mongolia]
Published: Rastitelnye Resursy 31(4) ( p.77-87), 1995
Keywords: Achnatherum splendens,Biogeography,Mongolia,Plant Characteristics,Productivity,Vegetation,

Author: Vvedensky, A.I.
Title: Flora Kirgizskoy SSR. T. 1-11. Izdat-vo AN Kirgizskoy SSR Frunze. [Flora der Kirgisischen SSR. Bd. 1-11.]
Published:, 1950–1965

Author: W. Hilbig
Title: Die Mongoleisammlung im Herbarium der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (Ergebnisse der Mongolisch-Deutschen Biologischen Expeditionen seit 1962, Nr. 131)
Published: Erforschung Biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolischen Volksrepublik, 4 (152-164), Halle (Saale), 1984

Author: Walker, E.H.
Title: Plants collected by R.C. Ching in southern Mongolia and Kansu Province, China
Published: Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 28: 563-675, i-xiii. pl. 21-27.f.1. ( p.563-675), 1941
Keywords: Checklist,China,Investigation History,Mongolia,Southern Mongolia,

Author: Walter, H.
Title: Die Vegetation Osteuropas, Nord- und Zentralasiens
Published:, Jena, Stuttgart, 1974
Keywords: Central Asia,Mongolia,Vegetation,

Author: Wang XJ, Zhao YX, Jia XH, Ding XB
Remarks: PMID:21823480[PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]; Chinese
Title: [Studies on the chemical constituents of Salsola collina]
Published: Zhong Yao Cai Feb;34(2) (230-1), 2011
Keywords: medical plant, plant use
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Author: Wesche, K., Jäger, E., von Wehrden, H., Undrakh, R.
Title: Status and distribution of four endemic vascular plants in the Gobi Altai
Published: Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences 3 ( p.3-11), 2005
Keywords: Biogeography – Chorology,Biogeography – Endemism,Gobi Altai,Plant Characteristics,

Author: Wesche, K., Jäger, E., Wehrden, H.v.
Title: Status and distribution of four endemic vascular plants in the Gobi Altay.
Published: Mongol. Jour. Biol. Sciences 3 3-11., 2005

Author: Wesche, K., Ronnenberg, K.
Title: Phytosociological affinities and habitat preferences of Juniperus sabina L. and Artemisia santolinifolia TURCZ. ex BESS. in mountain sites of the south-eastern Gobi Altay, Mongolia
Published: Feddes Repertorium 115 ( p.585-600), 2004
Keywords: Gobi Desert,Gobi Altai,Habitat,Juniperus spec.,Mongolia,Plant Characteristics,Vegetation,

Author: Wisskirchen, R., Haeupler, H.
Title: Standardliste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands
Published: Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart, 1998

Author: Xiang Y, Li YB, Zhang J, Li P, Yao YZ.
Remarks: PMID:17702398 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
Title: A new alkaloid from Salsola collina.
Published: Yao Xue Xue Bao Jun;42(6) (618-20), 2007
Keywords: medical plant, plant use
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Author: Yunatov, A.A.
Title: Kormovye rasteniya pastbishch i senokosov Mongolskoy Narodnoy Respubliki. [Fodder plants of grazing land and hay meadows of the Mongolian People’s Republic]
Published:, Moskva, Leningrad, 1954
Keywords: Biogeography – Chorology,Palatability,Plant Characteristics,Checklist,

Author: Yunatov, A.A.
Title: Osnovnye cherty rastitelnogo pokrova Mongolskoy Narodnoy Respubliki. [Main pecularities of the vegetation cover of the Mongolian People’s Republic]
Published:, Moskau, Leningrad, 1950
Keywords: Biogeography – Chorology,Investigation History,Vegetation,Vegetation Zones,

Author: Yunatov, A.A.
Title: Pustynnye stepi severnoy Gobi v Mongolskoi Narodnoi Respubliki. [Desert steppes of the Northern Gobi in the Mongolian People’s Republic]
Published:, Leningrad, 1974
Keywords: Biogeography,Deserts,Desert Steppe,Gobi Desert,Steppe (Grassland),Vegetation Classification,

Author: Yunatov, A.A.
Title: Zametka o saksaule v Mongolii. [Notes on Saxaul in Mongolia]
Published: Uchenye Zapiski Mongolskogo Universiteta 1 (1) ( p.17-45), 1946
Keywords: Deserts,Haloxylon spec.,Mongolia,

Author: Zemmrich, A.
Title: Die Steppengliederung der Mongolei aus Sicht der russischen und mongolischen Geobotanik. [Steppe classification of Mongolia from the perspective of Russian and Mongolian Vegetation Geography]
Published: Archiv für Naturschutz und Landschaftsforschung, 44 (17-35), 2005

Author: Zemmrich, A.
Title: Vegetation-ecological investigations of rangeland ecosystems in Western Mongolia. The assessment of grazing impact at various spatial scale levels.
Published: Dissertation, Institute of Botany, Landscape Ecology and Botanical Garden, University of Greifswald, Greifswald, 2007
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Author: Zemmrich, A., Schmidt, S., Rilke, S., Zölitz, R.
Title: Die Mongolei: Studien- und Exkursionsmaterialien
Abstract: Hardly in any other country is nature as present as in Mongolia: even in every day life and religion climate, vegetation, soil and land use are connected naturally. This country is predestined to study and experience landscape-ecologic interrelations. On the other hand there is a lack of easily accessible scientific information on its nature. This situation was the impulse for the book at hand. It is the result of a summer excursion with Greifswald University students to Mongolia, though the excursion as well as the book are based on extensive experiences with the physical and natural setup of Mongolia gathered by the Institute of botany and landscape ecology, Greifswald in cooperation with the State University, Khovd.
Published: callidus, 2009
Keywords: Mongolia, ecosystems, grazing land

Author: Zemmrich, A.; Schnittler, M.; Hartleib, J.; Busch, M.; Bobertz, B., Zölitz, R.
Title: FloraGREIF – An Internet-Based Data Repository for Biogeographical Research in Mongolia
Published: Folia Geobotannica Online Edition Springer Netherlands, 2013
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