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Determined as:Poaceae Enneapogon borealis (Griseb.) Honda
Collected by:Günther, K.-F.; Schnittler, M., 26.08.2007, Coll.No. 27744
Determined by:Günther, K.-F.; Schnittler, M.
Confirmed by:Sabrina Rilke, Susanne Starke, 25.8.2009
Flowering status:adult, flowering and fruiting
Herbarium:KF Private herbarium K.-F. Günther, Buchaer Str. 6 b, D-07745 Jena, Germany
herbar scanscans available
Geogr. Region:Great Lake Basin
Next important location:3.35 km N Khovd
Locality: Khovd, "near the so-called ""Holy Spring"" at the margin of the Buyant river valley", Mongolei, Khovd-Aimak, Senke der Großen Seen, Kobdo (Khovd), 3_km nördl. der Stadt, am Fuß des westexponierten Talhanges des Bujant-Flusses, nahe der sog. Heiligen Quelle
Coordinates:geogr. Coord. 91.6569 (lon) 48.0297 (lat)
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Prec:1 km
Altitude: 1432 ± 25 m
Habitat:granit rocks with sparse Caragana shrubs, stark überweidete Felsflur