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Determined as:Plumbaginaceae Goniolimon cf. speciosum
Revised by:Ungethüm, K., 19.06.2013
Record formerly determined as:Limonium flexuosum (L.) Ktze.
Collected by:Hilbig, W.; Bumschaa, D.; u.a., 10.07.1979
Determined by:Hilbig, W., 11.12.1984
Confirmed by:Rilke, S., 31.07.2013
Flowering status:flowering to fruiting
Comments for presentation :Ungethüm: leaves white-scarious bordered, pungent appended at cusp; Rilke: stigma not seen, 2 plants: one with pungent leaves, seems to bee G. speciosum
Herbarium:HAL Acc. No.: 101391
Locality: Gobi Altai, Ich Bogd, Nordabdachung, Abstieg von Chöschötijn ech (alp. Lager) zum Tale Gun zhalga
Coordinates:geogr. Coord. 100.56 (lon) 44.93 (lat)
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Prec:20 km
Habitat:alp. Bereich