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Scientific name: Woodsia acuminata (Fomin) Sipl.
Name acc. to:Gubanov 1996, not in Grubov 1982/2001
Synonym: W. ilvensis var. acuminata Fomin (acc. to (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 14, 2007).)
Tax. Comments:See taxonomic comments in Flora of Siberia, Vol. 1 (2000: 49).
open map in a new windowtaxon distribution for Woodsia acuminata acc. to Geobotanical Regions of Mongolia by Grubov (1955)
Habitat:On exposed rocky slopes (Flora of Siberia, Vol. 14, 2007).
Flower (i)reproductive portion of the plant, consisting of sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils
Ovary position: (i)For entirely or partly fused carpels, describe their position in relation to the insertion point of perianth leaves (best done by doing a longitudinal section of a flower).absent (i)Without ovary: male flowers inherited by order Polypodiales: absent
Root / shoot below ground (i)plant part below ground (in most cases), including below ground shoots, without leaves
Root type: (i)Organisation of the roots.homorhizous (i)Many equal roots
example: Monocotyledonae
inherited by vasc. plants: homorhizous
Distribution (i)region where the plant is likely to be found
Distribution (Veg. Zones): (i)acc. to Grubov 1952Khubsgul (i)In distribution data often named as '1'
Khentei (i)In distribution data often named as '2'
Khangai (i)In distribution data often named as '3'
Mongol-Daurian (i)In distribution data often named as '4'
Mongolian Altai (i)In distribution data often named as '7'
Middle Khalkha (i)In distribution data often named as '8'
East Mongolia (i)In distribution data often named as '9'
acc. to: Gubanov 1996