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EditorS. Rilke, July 2009
Name acc. to:APweb
Herbar:list records    scans available    photo available    habitat photo available    
Synonym: Paveraceae (p.p.) (acc. to Grubov 1982)
Description:The Family is separated from Papaveraceae by 2-merous flowers and is closely related to Fumariaceae.
Tax. Comments:Often included in Papaverceae. Hypecoum ist listed as Fumarioideae by Heywood (2007).
open map in a new windowtaxon distribution for   acc. to Geobotanical Regions of Mongolia by Grubov (1955)
genus: 1
species: 2
Habit (i)general appearance of a plant
Growth form: (i)Herb, shrub, tree or climber.herb (i)Herbaceous, erect plant, up to 2m high, mostly with a leafy shoot; if perennial, shoots die to the ground each season, shoots are not woody
example: Artemisia pectinata

Parasite status: (i)Is the plant a half- or full parasite?no parasite/saprophyte (i)Plant fully autonomous, leaves with chlorophyll
example: Most plants, Ranunculus

Water or terrestrial plant: (i)Where do the plants grow?terrestrial (i)Plant grows on dry land
example: Orostachys spinosa

Leaf (i)expanded, usually photosynthetic organ of a plant (including phylloclades)
Leaf veination: (i)Arrangement of the main veins of a leaf.pinnate (i)One main vein, several side veins, sometimes inconspicuous
example: Cicerbita

Flower (i)reproductive portion of the plant, consisting of sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils
Ovary position: (i)For entirely or partly fused carpels, describe their position in relation to the insertion point of perianth leaves (best done by doing a longitudinal section of a flower).superior (hypogynous) (i)Base of carpels attached above insertion point of perianth leaves, carpels free or fused
example: Delphinium, Anemone
inherited by order Ranunculales: superior (hypogynous)
Fruit (i)the seed bearing organ, with or without adnate parts; a ripened ovary and any other structures which are attached and ripen with it. Aggregate fruits are handled like simple fruits for determination.
Type of fruit: (i)Common fruit types (including pseudocarp).Solitary fruits (i)
Dehiscent fruits (i)Fruits open along a longitudinale line (except silicula)
silique (i)Dry fruit, opening with two valves and a separating wall inbetween
example: Brassicaceae, Hypecoum

Root / shoot below ground (i)plant part below ground (in most cases), including below ground shoots, without leaves
Root type: (i)Organisation of the roots.allorhizous (i)Plant with a conspicuous tap root, one larger tap root with side roots
example: Dicotyledonae
inherited by order Ranunculales: allorhizous