Determined as: | Urticaceae Urtica angustifolia Fisch. ex Hornem. |
Collected by: | Kloss, K., 10.06.1973, Coll.No. 40 |
Determined by: | Kloss, K. |
Flowering status: | vegetative |
Herbarium: | GFW Acc. No.: 44934 |
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Country: | Mongolia |
Province: | Selenge |
District: | Bayangol |
Geogr. Region: | Kharaa-Gol |
Locality: | Bayan-Gol river valley, 4 km E above of estuary in river Kharaa-Gol , Tal des Bajan-Gol, 4 km oberh. der Mündg. in Khara-Gol |
Habitat: | wet lowland with Betula, Betula-Populus taiga with Pinus , feuchte Birkenniederg.,Birken-Pappel (bzw.Kiefern)-Taiga |