Determined as: | Alliaceae Allium malyschevii N. Friesen |
Collected by: | Knapp, H.-D., 12.07.1988, Coll.No. 624/88 |
Determined by: | N. Friesen, Aug. 2008 |
Herbarium: | GFW |
herbar scan |  |
Images |
|  Inner filament with two lateral teeth (for better visualisation tepal downward folded). photo by: FloraGREIF |
Country: | Mongolia |
Province: | Ulaanbaatar (Autonomous municipality) |
Geogr. Region: | Bogd-Khan-Uul |
Locality: | Bogd-Khan-Uul S of Ulaanbaatar, eastern part above monastery ruin Manzchir, Mongolei, Zentral-Aimak, Bogd uul südl. Ulan-Bator, Ostteil oberhalb der Klosteruine Manzcir |
Altitude: | appr. |