Images Western Mongolia 2007
Impressions of a field trip to Western Mongolia.
Caragana leucophloea sandy depressions between small rocky hills (granite) |
Arenaria meyeri rubblefields at the entry of a large valley |
Allium eduardii granit rocks with sparse Caragana shrubs |
Sonchus arvensis ssp. uliginosa rich grazed meadows near the river |
Hippuris vulgaris |
Great Lake Basin salt pans, drier sites between grazed meadows |
Great Lake Basin rocky, S-exp. side canyon in granite rocks |
Betula microphylla extrazonal birch woodland, heavily grazed, in the floodplain of a small river |
Ulaanbaatar rocky outcrops within mixed Larix sibirica / Picea obovata taiga at a S-exp. slope |
photos by: M. Schnittler