Images Western Mongolia 2007

Impressions of a field trip to Western Mongolia.

Caragana leucophloea
sandy depressions between small rocky hills (granite)

Arenaria meyeri
rubblefields at the entry of a large valley

Allium eduardii
granit rocks with sparse Caragana shrubs

Sonchus arvensis ssp. uliginosa
rich grazed meadows near the river

Hippuris vulgaris

Great Lake Basin
salt pans, drier sites between grazed meadows

Great Lake Basin
rocky, S-exp. side canyon in granite rocks

Betula microphylla
extrazonal birch woodland, heavily grazed, in the floodplain of a small river

rocky outcrops within mixed Larix sibirica / Picea obovata taiga at a S-exp. slope

photos by: M. Schnittler