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Index Herbariorum

Overview of Herbaria with plant collections presented in FloraGREIF. Further information on herbarium acronyms :

B Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem
GAT Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research
GFW Botanisches Institut und Botanischer Garten,
HAL Institut für Geobotanik und Botanischer Garten,
JE Herbarium Haussknecht, Institut für Spezielle Botanik, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
KAS Morphologie und Systematik der Pflanzen,
Fachbereich 19, Universität Gesamthochschule Kassel
Herbaria Khovd State University Khovd, city of Khovd, Khovd Aimag, Mongolia
LE Russian Academy of Sciences, V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute
NY New York Botanical Garden
OSBU Herbarium der Abteilung für Botanik, Universität Osnabrück
UBA Mongolian Academy of Sciences
US Smithsonian Institution
K.-F. Günther Private herbarium K.-F. Günther, Buchaer Str. 6 b, D-07745 Jena, Germany
Kretschmer Private herbarium of Martin Kretschmer, Hauptstr. 34, D-15366 Neuenhagen, Germany; contact:
Miehe Private herbarium Georg & Sabine Miehe
Müritzeum Waren/Müritz Naturhistorische Landessammlungen
Rilke Private herbarium of Sabrina Rilke, R. Breitscheidstr. 5, D-17489 Greifswald, Germany; contact:
Schnittler Private herbarium of Martin Schnittler, University of Greifswald
Strauss Private herbarium Mongolia of Andrea Strauss (plant collection at present in GFW)
T. Dietrich Kazakhstan Private herbarium Kazakhstan of Til Dietrich (plant collection at present in GFW)
Wehrden/Herbar Wesche Herbarium of Gobi Gurvan Saikhan Project (University of Halle-Wittenberg & Marburg, Germany), plant collection at present in HAL, resp. Karsten Wesche (Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz) & Henrik von Wehrden (University Halle-Wittenberg)
Wucherer Private herbarium of Walther Wucherer, University of Greifswald (plant collection currently in GFW)

CABNET-Workshop Greifswald, 2014: Lessons learned for Azerbaijan

M. Schnittler & U. Najmi: „Virtual Guide an Practical Approach to the Flora of Mongolia“ held at the CABNET conference at University of Greifswald from 27.11.-28.11.2014 in Greifswald.

Workshop Greifswald, 2014: FloraGreif – a digital herbarium – A feasible option for Central Asian countries?

S. Rilke: „Virtual Guide and Practical Approach to the Flora of Mongolia“ & U. Najmi: „Part II: How to implement a Virtual Guide to a Flora“ held at the workshop at University of Greifswald and Michael Succow Foundation from 28.09.-01.10.2014 in Greifswald.

download pdf

at work

Workshop Vilm, 2014: Interdisziplinäre Wissenschaftstagung zur Biodiversitätsforschung im Rahmen des Übereinkommens über die biologische Vielfalt

U. Najmi, S. Rilke & S. Schmidt: „How to implement a Virtual Guide to a Flora based on the open-source information system FloraGREIF“. This presentation was held at Interdisciplinary Science Conference on Biodiversity under the Convention on Biological Diversity, Isle of Vilm, 25.08.-29.08.2014.

Download Presentation as pdf

Workshop Aschgabat, 2014: Wissenschaftskooperation Deutschland – Turkmenistan

S. Schmidt, S. Rilke, U. Najmi, M. Schnittler: „Virtual Flora – A digital Plant Database at the example of the Flora of Mongolica“
This presentation was held by S. Schmidt during the workshop on scientific cooperation between Germany and Turkmenistan at the Academy of Science in Aschgabat 2014/05/23.

Training III Baku, 2014: Determination and monitoring of vascular plants of Azerbaijan

Workshop Baku, 2014: FloraGREIF – adaptable for Azerbaijan?

During the workshop, the adaptation of the software FloraGREIF as botanical information system for the Flora of Azerbaijan has been discussed. The workshop was held at BSU and led by Mr. Gubanov.

Training III Baku, 2014: Determination and monitoring of vascular plants of Azerbaijan

S. Rilke & J. Etzold: FloraGREIF – Virtual Herbaria, Flora or Botanical Information System? (presentation and discussion). The presentation was held at the herbarium of BSU and explored chances for future cooperations.

Training III Baku, 2014: Determination and monitoring of vascular plants of Azerbaijan

S. Rilke & J. Etzold: How to use a digital key implemented in the project FloraGREIF for the Flora of Azerbaijan (presentation) in the context of a training for students of Baku State University (BSU) from 16 – 21 May 2014

Technical Terms

Technical terms appearing on various FloraGREIF pages but mostly in habitat descriptions.

Term Explanation
Balks Field boundary
Barkhans Moving parabel shaped desert dunes
Bel Pediment (shallow foothill region of mountains, in arid regions filled with rubble)
Bel, proluvial Coarse to fine sediment accumulated at the foot of a slope building a deltaic lobe, created by weathering of the rocks
Biurgun (e.g. feather grass-biurgun-Ephedra associations) Russian for Anabasis salsa (Stipa-Anabasis-Ephedra community)
Cast (marmot cast) Marmot mound, burrow
Chee (chee grass stands, chee grass thickets) Achnatherum splendens (Trin.) Nevski
Fans (alluvial fans) River sediment in fan-like deposition
Gnawers‘ holes Mound or burrow of rodents
Goletz, goltzy High-montane (alpine) tundras or typical soils of alpine tundra, Russian plural of goletz
Gorge Canyon, ravine
Hammadas Stony deserts
Hypnaceous (e.g. hypnaceous bogs / forests) Refers to the moss family of Hypnaceae within the order of Hypnales
Kolki (birch kolki) Insular groves (usually with birch or aspen) in forest-steppe areas (Grubov 2001: 156)
Melkozem (e.g. melkozem-rubble slopes) Russian, refers to fine soil texture such as chalk, loam or silt (fine soil-rubble slopes)
Placer (e.g. rock placers in alpine belt) Accumulation of minerals in sediments such as sand and gravel formed by deposition
Puffy / puffed (puffy / puffed solonchaks) Refers to the swelling and shrinking dynamics of clayey soils in a semi-/arid climate
s.m. Meant is meter above sea level (a.s.l.)
Sagon Cattle or sheep pen, the place where lifestock stays overnight (often to shelter them from carnivores)
Saltwort (e.g. black saltwort deserts) Halophytic plants, such as glasswort (Salicornia) or further similar species of Chenopodiaceae
Sasa solonchak Alkaline soil with saline upper crust on the surface, devloping in a semi-/arid climate under ascending groundwater in dry regions of Central Asia
Sayr Narrow, canyon-like beds of a temporary river (Arabic wadi, Afrikaans rivier)
Sazes Habitats with constant regime of moistening by groundwaters in dry regions of Central Asia
Schistose (schistose slopes) From schist, a group of medium-grade metamorphic rocks, a kind of slate
Sheep’s-fescue Festuca ovina L. (and related microspecies)
Solonchaks Alkaline soil with saline crust on its surface in a semi-/arid climate
Solonetz Alkaline clayey sodium soils with swelling and shrinking dynamics in a semi-/arid climate
Sondoks Saline soils
Spur (tops of spurs) Foothills, rock overhang
Tailing (upper parts of tailings) Originally means coarse sediment, partly applied for pediment, similar to ‚bel‘
Tailing, proluvial Coarse to fine sediment accumulated at the foot of a slope building a deltaic lobe, created by weathering of the rocks
Takyr Soil or surface of clayey soils forming a dry crust with shrinking fissures on the surface, often with cyanobacteria layers when wet
Takyred (takyred depressions, lowlands) Refers to the dried crust with shrinking fissures at its surface, often heavily saline
Talus Surface of broken rocks found on mountain slopes and at the base of cliffs (pieces usually of larger size than scree) (Pyak et al. 2008)
Tansy Yellow small herbs, it may refer to various families
Taro (e.g. taro deserts… – habitat data of Astragalus gubanovii Ulzij. in Plants of Central Asia, Vol. 8c, 2004) Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott, a tropical plant without occurrence in continental Central Asia. (This term is probably a misapplied translation.)
Toyrim Saline soil places, clayey solonchaks
Tugai forests Riparian Populus gallery forests in arid regions of Central Asia
Urema Decidous floodplain forest (Grubov 2001: 21)
Wormwood (e.g. wormwood-grass steppes) Species of Artemisia (sage) growing as dwarf shrubs
Wortwood (e.g. wortwood-saltwort desert) Frequent orthographic mistake in English-translated floras, meant is wormwood – a species of Artemisia (sage) growing as dwarf shrubs
Zagon Cattle or sheep pen, the place where lifestock stays overnight (often to shelter them from carnivores)

data compiled by: A. Zemmrich

Collectors‘ List

List of collectors and botanists whose plant specimen and/or plant determinations are used on the FloraGREIF website. These names can be used as criterion for the Targeted Search.

H. Ansorge
D. Berger
D. Bumschaa
R. W. Chaney
O. Damdinsürengiyn
S. Danert
C. Davazhamc
T. Dietrich
H. Freitag
N. Friesen
F. Gahlert
V. I. Grubov
I. A. Gubanov
K.-F. Günther
R. Hand
P. Hanelt
H. Heklau
K. Helmecke
W. Hilbig
E. J. Jäger
N. Kilian
K. Kloss
H.-D. Knapp
C. Knopf
S. Koeppen
M. Kretschmer
J. Kruse
N. Lashinski
G. Laskov
B. Littersky
M. Maier-Stolte
L. Martins
G. Miehe
S. Miehe
B. M. Mirkin
R. Neudert
Y. K. Novozhilov
C. Oehmke
K. Pistrick
D. Podlech
S. Rilke
Ch. Sanchir
Z. Schamsran
U. Schickhoff
M. Schnittler
S. Starke
A. Strauss
E. Vitek
U. Voigtländer
H. v. Wehrden
G. Werhahn
K. Wesche
R. Wisskirchen
A. A. Yunatov
A. Zemmrich
D. Zumberelmaa
F. Montfort