Kochia prostrata (L.) Schrad. Habitat: small gulch with sandy soils, shrub desert, Halbwüstenvegetation auf einer Felskuppe fruit and seed Collected by: Günther, K.-F.; Schnittler, M. 07.09.2007 | view taxon information view record |
![Chenopodiaceae Kochia prostrata view image: Kochia prostrata (L.) Schrad.](https://floragreif.uni-greifswald.de/wp-content/uploads/macro_herbar/koch_pros_pGnther_28057_gnther_ms_2_1286452822.jpg)
Kochia prostrata (L.) Schrad. Habitat: small gulch with sandy soils, shrub desert, Halbwüstenvegetation auf einer Felskuppe fruit and seed Collected by: Günther, K.-F.; Schnittler, M. 07.09.2007 | view taxon information view record |