Alumni-conference Greifswald, 2013: „Conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems“

S. Rilke & U. Najmi: Floragreif – from a data repository to an expert system (presentation).

This presentation was held at the international alumni conference from 11 – 13 october 2013.

Training II Baku, 2013: Determination and monitoring of vascular plants of Azerbaijan

S. Rilke & P. König: Information System to the Flora of Mongolia – prospects for a future use on the Flora of Azerbaijan (presentation and discussion about future use)
held in the context of the second part of the student extension course at University of Baku from september 28 – october 06 2013.

Festveranstaltung Greifswald, 2013: 250 Jahre Botanischer Garten Greifswald

S. Starke, S. Rilke & U. Najmi: Vom klassischen Herbarbogen bis in die Virtuelle Welt. Führung durch das neue Herbar (im Rahmen des Umzug von der Grimmer Straße 88 in die Soldtmannstraße 15 wurde das Herbar mit modernen Rollschrank-Anlagen ausgerüstet) mit anschliessendem Vortrag über das ‚Virtuelle Herbar zur Mongolei‘ im Rahmen der 250-Jahr-Feier des Botanischen Gartens Greifswald am 15.09.2013.


S. Rilke, U. Najmi & M. Schnittler: Plants of Mongolia – a virtual approach: E-Taxonomy, Virtual Herbarium and Digital Key (Poster Presentation held by C. Dulamsuren)

download Poster (pdf)

International scientific conference, June 26-27, 2013, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

„On the occasion of its 50th anniversary, the Department of Botany at the National University of Mongolia is pleased to organize an international scientific conference which could provide a scientific platform to exchange information on recent advances in plant biodiversity and vegetation research in Continental Asia. The emphasis is on Mongolia and adjacent countries, but we welcome the larger international scientific community active in the study of plants, ecology and environment of the region. The conference is co-organized with the Senckenberg Museum (Germany) and supported financially and logistically by various national, foreign and international organizations and individuals“ (citation: conference program)

Training Baku, 2013: Determination and monitoring of vascular plants of Azerbaijan

S. Rilke & J. Etzold: Prospects for a practical approach to the Flora of Azerbaijan within the framework of FloraGREIF open source software (pre-project discussion)
in the context of a student extension course at University of Baku from 3 – 9 June 2013.

Workshop Osnabrück, 2013: Kooperation der Herbare Osnabrück und Greifswald

S. Rilke & U. Najmi: „Arten im Netz bestimmen – Moderne Informationssysteme am Beispiel der Mongolei“ (Vortrag mit Live-Demonstration)

Vom 06.05. bis 08.05.2013 wurde im Rahmen eines Workshops die Kooperation zwischen den Herbaren Osnabrück und Greifswald vertieft und neue Möglichkeiten der Zusammenarbeit (Eingabe von Herbarbelegen und Pflanzenfotos sowie Eingabe in die Merkmalsdatenbank für Familien Alliaceae und Brassicaceae) besprochen.

Workshop Halle, 2012: Kooperation der Herbare Halle, Greifswald und Wien

U. Najmi & S. Rilke: „Virtual Guide to the Flora of Mongolia“ (Vortrag mit Live-Demonstration)

Vom 12.12. bis 14.12.2012 wurde im Rahmen eines Workshops die Kooperation zwischen den Herbaren Halle und Greifswald vertieft und neue Möglichkeiten der Zusammenarbeit auch mit dem Herbar Wien besprochen.

GfÖ Lüneburg, 2012: 42nd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland

S. Rilke & U. Najmi: „Digital Key to the Flora of Mongolia“ (Presentation as pdf)

The FloraGREIF project was invited to present the current state of the ‚Digital Key to the Flora of Mongolia‘ at session 7: Data – publishing, linking, using ecological data online at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland from 10 to 14 September 2012 at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg.

CABNET-Workshop Greifswald, 2012: Strengthening the cooperation between Kazakhstan and Germany

S. Rilke: „FloraGREIF – From a data repository to an expert system“ (Presentation)

This workshop was organised by Michael Succow Stiftung zum Schutz der Natur from 02.05.2012 – 04.05.2012 in Greifswald. The foundation holds a project in Kazakhstan „The carbon sink potential of Eurasian steppe soils, depending on land use patterns“. FloraGREIF, the Virtual Guide to the Flora of Mongolia, was presented by Prof. Dr. Schnittler and Dr. Rilke. Afterwards, the participants discussed the possibilities of cooperation between the University of Greifswald, the ENU and KAZNU in the frame of a virtual flora of Kazakhstan and the Role of CABNET in this cooperation.

cabnet workshop 2012

Symposium „Biodiversity Research in Mongolia“ Halle, 2012: 50 Years of Mongolian-German Biological Expeditions: an Anniversary (1962-2012)

M. Schnittler, J. Hartleib, U. Najmi, S. Rilke, A. Zemmrich, R. Zölitz: „An Approach to the Virtual Flora of Mongolia – from a data repository to an expert system“ (Presentation)

The project was presented at the International Symposium in Halle/Saale, 25-29 March 2012: „Biodiversity Research in Mongolia“ – 50 Years of Mongolian-German Biological Expeditions: an Anniversary (1962-2012).


Program: “Biodiversity Research in Mongolia”
Abstract: An Approach to the Virtual Flora of Mongolia – from a data repository to an expert system
Handout on the FloraGREIF project

Halle 2012